year | month | ID | Mapname (comments) | comments | Author | Rating | Type | Download |
2007 | 12 | 2654 | (4)Shakras | 78 comments , last one by Freakling. 9 replays | Testbug + Crackling <3 | 2.5 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2007 | 11 | 2612 | (7)Seven Sins | 133 comments , last one by Nightmarjoo. 15 replays | Testbug | 2.2 | beta | Melee Obs Picture |
2007 | 10.2 | 2497 | (3)Paranoid Android | 78 comments , last one by Crimson)S(hadow. 23 replays | Testbug | 2.4 | beta | Melee Obs Picture |
2007 | 10.1 | 2319 | (2)Sound Barrier1.2 | 129 comments , last one by Nightmarjoo. 18 replays | Flothefreak RaDiX Nightmarjoo | 2.2 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2007 | 9 | 2461 | (4)Erebos | 17 comments , last one by flothefreak. | ProTosS4EveR | 2.3 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2007 | 8 | 2408 | (3)Endless Fields | 73 comments , last one by ludamad. 4 replays | Testbug | 2.1 | final | Melee Picture |
2007 | 7 | 2453 | (2)Silver Flush | 81 comments , last one by jackets. 3 replays | Crackling/Testbug/Flothefreak | 2.4 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2007 | 6 | 2234 | (3)Moon Tear | 68 comments , last one by jackets. 10 replays | Testbug | 2.3 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2007 | 5 | 2168 | (2)Dreamcatcher | 57 comments , last one by nowhereMan-. 27 replays | flothefreak | 2.4 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2007 | 4 | 2122 | (2)Angband 3600 ft. 1.2 | 85 comments , last one by Nightmarjoo. 15 replays | Nightmarjoo | 2.4 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2008 | 12 | 3384 | (4)Yellow | 63 comments , last one by addressee. 1 replays | Testbug, Nastymarine | 2.5 | league | Melee Obs Picture |
2008 | 11 | 3308 | (2)Lobotomy | 37 comments , last one by Kroznade. 1 replays | Testbug | 2.0 | beta | Melee Picture |
2008 | 10 | 3265 | (4)Ridge2Ridge2.1 | 48 comments , last one by NastyMarine. 7 replays | NastyMarine | 2.2 | league | Melee Obs Picture |
2008 | 9 | 3182 | (4)Texcoco 3.1 | 110 comments , last one by Nightmarjoo. 8 replays | ProTosS4EveR | 2.1 | league | Melee Obs Picture |
2008 | 8 | 3193 | (4)Dread Core 1.1 | 40 comments , last one by Johnny B.Goode. 3 replays | MorroW | 2.3 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2008 | 7 | 3167 | (2)Spinel Valley 3.2 | 104 comments , last one by triller1. 21 replays | Testbug/Freakling, Concept: Spinesheath | 2.4 | league | Melee Obs Picture |
2008 | 6 | 3170 | (4)Voices IV | 62 comments , last one by e78848813. 12 replays | Testbug (scrath:crackie, idea:TkTkVrooM) | 2.2 | league | Melee Obs Picture |
2008 | 5 | 2987 | (2)Sign | 49 comments , last one by starparty (GMCS). 1 replays | ptar | 2.4 | beta | Melee Obs Picture |
2008 | 4 | 2887 | (2)Whoosh | 47 comments , last one by MorroW. 5 replays | Crackling | 2.4 | beta | Melee Picture |
2008 | 3 | 2844 | (2)Square | 19 comments , last one by Nightmarjoo. 2 replays | ptar | 2.2 | beta | Melee Picture |
2008 | 2 | 2803 | (4)Faoi IV | 163 comments , last one by XeLious. 51 replays | Nightmarjoo and Testbug | 2.3 | league | Melee Obs Picture |
2008 | 1 | 2759 | (4)Odyssey | 79 comments , last one by testbug. 1 replays | Testbug (Original idea: Crackling) | 2.4 | league | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 12 | 3921 | (2)Junktion2.6 | 43 comments , last one by Nightmarjoo. 5 replays | NastyMarine | 2.1 | experimental | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 11 | 3916 | (2)DeadSpace 0.98 | 29 comments , last one by CardinalAllin. | LasTCursE | 2.3 | beta | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 10 | 3872 | (2)Flash | 66 comments , last one by sTY_leZerg-eX. 4 replays | TkTkVrooM & sTY_leZerG-eX | 1.9 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 9 | 3816 | (4)Broken Wings | 125 comments , last one by (GMCS). 14 replays | sTY_leZerG-eX & TkTkVrooM | 2.3 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 8 | 3792 | (2)Sunshower | 38 comments , last one by tktkvroom. 1 replays | TkTkVrooM | 2.6 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 7 | 3714 | (2)Cloud of Souls | 122 comments , last one by Kinosjourney. 38 replays | Nightmarjoo & TkTkVrooM | 2.3 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 6 | 3634 | (4)Schizophrenia | 42 comments , last one by Freakling. | Freakling | 2.4 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 5 | 3635 | (4)Unreality | 26 comments , last one by NastyMarine. | Freakling | 2.4 | beta | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 4 | 3608 | (4)Mystique | 40 comments , last one by LasTCursE. | Freakling | 2.3 | beta | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 3 | 3545 | (4)Everflow | 61 comments , last one by freakling. 2 replays | Freakling | 2.4 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 2 | 3345 | (4)Amontillado | 37 comments , last one by Nightmarjoo. 3 replays | JungleTerrain | 2.4 | beta | Melee Obs Picture |
2009 | 1 | 3484 | (4)Destiny 2.0 | 32 comments , last one by JungleTerrain. 4 replays | jamssi | 2.1 | beta | Melee Picture |
2010 | 2 | 3997 | (2)SpiderMonkey | 51 comments , last one by sTY_leZerG-eX. 8 replays | sTY_leZerG-eX | 2.1 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2010 | 1 | 3948 | (2)Oro Lala1.2 | 11 comments , last one by XeLious. | RaZt | 2.3 | final | Melee Picture |
2015 | 9 | 4782 | (2)Neo_Noahs Ark_2.2 | 16 comments , last one by Jukado. 1 replays | LatiAs | 2.4 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2020 | 1 | 4106 | (2)Clown | 42 comments , last one by fatalfury214. 3 replays | sTY_leZerG-eX | 2.6 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2021 | 12 | 5318 | (4)Oil Flow_0 | 9 comments , last one by 3EcArdIo. | sTY_leZerG-eX (concept) & Freakling | 2.3 | beta | Melee Picture |
2021 | 10 | 5299 | (4)Wavelet_2.06 | 13 comments , last one by Freakling. | Freakling & CrystalDrag | 2.4 | beta | Melee Picture |
2021 | 9 | 5300 | (4)GOOD NIGHT 1 | 14 comments , last one by CrystalDrag. | Hyojin | 2.2 | league | Melee Obs Picture |
2021 | 6 | 5292 | (2)Vertebrae_1.34 | 8 comments , last one by Minerals. | HeMsK | 2.4 | beta | Melee Picture |
2021 | 5 | 5246 | (2)BSLindside 1.0 | 24 comments , last one by Minerals. 25 replays | Minerals | 2.4 | league | Melee Picture |
2021 | 4 | 5305 | (3)Tundra_0.95 | 6 comments , last one by e78848813. | sTY_leZerG-eX & Ice/Bugs by Freakling | 2.3 | final | Melee Picture |
2021 | 3 | 5283 | (4)BladeRunner 0.99 (N | 15 comments , last one by Minerals. | Minerals | 2.6 | league | Melee Picture |
2021 | 1 | 5247 | (4)Beehive [Metamorphos | 6 comments , last one by Freakling. 3 replays | 𝕱 | 2.3 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
2022 | 6 | 5419 | (2)Butter 2.0b | 4 comments , last one by Kroznade. | Hozzi | 2.2 | final | Melee Obs Picture |
47 maps displayed