| Think Quick Map Contest ($100 prize)
deadline to enter maps: 2021, 04, 12 (Year, month, day) | 
(NO MAP DEADLINE YET 11/3/2020) (Site won't let me create a deadline submission post-2013 for some reason :O )
ox[tQ] from team Think Quick is planning to organize a small $ map contest and accept submissions. Winner would get $100!!!
Map requirement = standard/comfortable/simple, 2-4 players, very similar to sylphid, eclipse or polypoid, balanced and bug-free as much as possible. Option to edit old map on BWMN site possible (if it meets above criteria).
Winning map would be automatically included on Team Think Quick - Maps of the month pool. It could potentially be featured in the second round robin tournament the team hosts (details about our first one can be found: https://tl.net/forum/bw-tournaments/564376-tq-show-match-tournament-match-add-to-my-funding
Ox will try to create a matcherino in case a few individuals want to add to the $100 prize. If winner wanted too, his map and prize money could also potentially go to CasterMuse and be played on by Korean progamers in his Star League sometime, provided this was arranged. If any mappers here are interested in the map contest, join our discord (See details below) and engage with us in our 'show map talk' channel. We will figure out the submission, deadline and evaluation processes together in the coming weeks ahead. For now, just keep mapping with this event in mind!
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/DN4xeQMM
(Let me know if the link needs udating)
The deadline to enter maps is over.Comments:
Minerals | hypee | ox[tQ] | Here's a link to the BWMN discord:
Official TL post about the New Worlds Map Contest: 1st Edition available here:
and here: https://tl.net/forum/bw-tournaments/571869-new-worlds-map-contest-all-submissions modified by ox[tQ] | MapDoriFan | Hi im late | addressee | Figures! modified by addressee |
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