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Do not reveal enough so that we can track you down... ect. :)

modified by CrystalDrag
2013, 01, 03 07:53
I live in the middle of nowhere...
2013, 01, 03 07:59
Alright :) You are 16??
2013, 01, 03 08:02
I'm not 16 :P

By the way, middle of nowhere = IOWA
so yeah, it's actually the middle of nowhere
2013, 01, 03 08:04
currently 18, freshman in college
2013, 01, 03 08:06
How old you are taranok?? :P
Wheres iowa ^^

18 is so old! #_#
2013, 01, 03 08:19
let's just say I'm in high school.

I used to play chess, I was rated about 1100. anybody play chess here?
2013, 01, 03 08:20
i figured that was a pretty average age for this site, maybe even young seeing as how we're making maps for a 14 year old game...
2013, 01, 03 08:25
lol I think he was kidding
what college? or where?
2013, 01, 03 08:29
it's in california
2013, 01, 03 08:30
really narrows it down o.O
I really want to get away from Iowa, there's almost nothing you can do D:
2013, 01, 03 08:34
I is in HighSchool as well. :) I in TEXAS. WHERE ITS SUMMER IN WINTER.
2013, 01, 03 09:46
aww lucky, I really like Texas, I'm not a big fan of the snow here :p
2013, 01, 03 22:31
Ahaha. I play chess :P
2013, 01, 04 01:03
urghhhh so cooolllllldddddddddd

I spend quite a bit of time with StarCraft, I just don't map because my maps aren't very good and i'm just a lazy person :P

studying for 3 tests tomorrow D:
2013, 01, 04 02:08
Damn that sucks. :P
I can help you with maps
2013, 01, 04 02:51
uhhhh no you can't........

I actually for whatever reason like ai modding more, but I really like seeing the maps. (hopefully you're not offended)

urgghhh who cares about single stranded binding proteins D:
2013, 01, 04 04:09
o_O What class is that??
2013, 01, 04 04:11
biology, studying DNA replication D:
2013, 01, 04 04:14
Oh hahahahaha... So you are... a Junior of highschool?
Already took that class. AP
2013, 01, 04 04:18
hmmmm.... no I'm not a junior :)
2013, 01, 04 04:34
page: 1 2 3 4 5 6


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