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SCCL Mapcontest

deadline to enter maps: 2006, 06, 01 (Year, month, day)

• create a 2,3 or 4 player map
• balance > looks
• maximum of 3 maps per mapper
• only submit your own work
• 2 week time to submit, so make a good choice


NameAuthorDownloadvote(1., 2., 3. choice)
(4)Prelude of Light_1.3Arden(WoF)Melee Obs Picture0
(4)OmegaJK)ValkyrionMelee Obs Picture0
(4)The ArtistSpitfireMelee Picture0
(2)Path of VictoryLaO-ArtanisMelee Obs Picture0
(4)FortitudeArden(WoF)Melee Obs Picture0
(2)Sleeping Sun FinalScoutWBFMelee Obs Picture0
(4)Azure PastureboongeeMelee Obs Picture0
(4)Lemuria Devil--v|mOsQMelee Picture0
(4)RaptorJK)ValkyrionMelee Obs Picture0
(4)Shangri-La 1.22StarpartyMelee Obs Picture0
(4)Stone CastlesStarparty, modified by Panschk[FP]Melee Obs Picture0
(4)Sacred Grounds 2.1MillenniumArmyMelee Obs Picture0
(4)AstrardyyMelee Obs Picture0
(4)SpaceConquerorsThrillboyMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Trench WarfareflothefreakMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Awoken DemonsflothefreakMelee Obs Picture0
(4)AltarJK)ValkyrionMelee Picture0
(2)Star GatesRSCup.SpitFire[7x]Melee Obs Picture0
(2)Blue Razor[7x]SpitfireMelee Picture0
(6)Dune 2000king of 8 plr mapsMelee Picture0
(6)King Of Huntersking of 8 plr mapsMelee Picture0
(4)Eletrical Sector(n) -lneptMelee Picture0
(2)KratorInept (PIMPED)Melee Obs Picture0
(2)RocketlneptMelee Picture0
(4)old town1.1nonameMelee Obs Picture0
(4)Glimming CrossScoutWBFMelee Picture0
(2)GefrierbrandScoutWBFMelee Obs Picture0
(4)Time is running outSummerSkyMelee Picture0
(2)Dont stop me nowSummerSkyMelee Picture0
(2)Ode to the sunSummerSkyMelee Obs Picture0
(4)Niflheim 1.1dNightmarjooMelee Picture0
(2)Two CountiesNastyMarineMelee Picture0
(2)Frozen TundraNastyMarineMelee Obs Picture0
(2)BattleGrounds2.3NastyMarine and Arden(WoF)Melee Obs Picture0
(2)Magma Trap IIDiminateMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Farewell to the MoonDiminateMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Sword PlantingDiminateMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Temple GroundsZacheryMelee Picture0
(2)Construction 1.2MillenniumArmyMelee Picture0
(2)space dementianonameMelee Obs Picture0
(4)groschenromantik0.3nonameMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Passage-ImmortalityNightmarjooMelee Picture0
(3)Hypnotize 1.1NightmarjooMelee Picture0
(4)Blazing Emblem 1.2MillenniumArmyMelee Obs Picture0
The competition is closed!

I may submit something else later...
Perfect time for PoV! It has enough test games and I hope it'll be put in a league like this. It'd be perfect ^^
sorry artanis but if path of victory wins I'll have to kill myself
Want me to supply a knife? :)
if BGH aka Azure plains wins ill kill myself as well :P
shouldnt u already be dead b/c of baek du gan du being played in tourneys? :)
yea, i resurrected myself though, 2x as powerful as before

anyways if you agree that it should be professional your an idiot :P

that map is really dumb i played on it

you see your scout go on a roller coaster trying to get to the other player :0
haha not to mention the little paths in the middle that aren't big enough to walk through, but they fuck up your pathfinding anyways.
1320 / 1321 / 1322 these they are my 3 original maps, to postulate them to the SCCL Europe. Good Luck!
This guy sounds like a poorly programmed bot.
--v mOsQ
both of flothefreak's maps are incredible, i downloaded them and i plan on using them alot ( :
He has a lot of other maps you know, most of which are better than those posted here.
Samuel Grossman
There are some great maps here. Looks like a lot of effort has been put into making them.

My personal favorites are:
- Prelude of Light - because of it's unique shapes and texturing.

- Omega - looks interesting, but I think the small gaps between platform might give the Terrans too much of an advantage.

- The Artist - very detailed and harmonious to the eye.

- Path of Victory - looks like non-stop action and short games which I personally prefer.

- Trench Warfare - I think it's a brilliant concept, not to mention the subtle detailing that still enables you to read the map easily.

- Begin of Fury - The concept is different than other maps. It's not the prettiest to look at, the starting points are not well spaced, the minerals are scattered, the gaps between the island expansions make no sense but it still has potential.
The difference is that in this map the construction space of the base is not limited to your starting platform and some dead areas on the map, but it's more freely.
It allows for a situation in which base construction alone can lead to victory.
This is something that hasn't been fully explored in Starcraft and that's my humble opinion.

Good luck to everyone, good job.
hmmm someone is gonna get a map id of 1337 soon XD...
i dropped by BWMN
and dropped map in SCCL Mapcontest
only three Summersky =/
i deleted one of SS's entries, so he does not get disqualified:)
Honestly... I think Ode to the Sun is the best map on this site, I love it.
oh sorry:(

i'll release new map in bwmn
Summersky is teh άber 1337
Panschk, please take out Velocity, The co-op map will make it four =/.
the faithful .. u guys are holdin us (bwm.n) down (in a good way).. props to u:

flothefreak: #7: because on new maps, real skill is shown. too much routine is denied.
that is why most of the players sticking to LT would lose on a different map. they are not skilled in a way of "knowledge", but most part of their skill relies on routine.

MilleniumArmy: I hope you guys know that many BWMN maps have been proven to be more balanced than many korean maps...

And even statistically proven so as well, like Arena, Sattarchasm, Signal, etc. They're both BWMN maps.

No map is perfect, and people can adapt to maps. In many cases, most games are won mostly because of a player's ability to adapt to maps, not necessarily because of the map's imbalances themselves."

Valkyrion:why we must use only a korean map, this is stupid, according to me they tested all the maps that at least to see are balanced.

good shit u 3 :)
btw thats on for those who didnt kno
So I've still got one more map to submit... what shall it be, hmmm...
so many nice maps
Shit, my member have me send some nice maps, but i cant put them in, because to make images is difficult and by 1 map i need first the melee version T_T.
I hope it will be one more Mapcontest, and then we will be ready for it ;)
Damn this is a lot of maps. Good luck judging them
And they are getting them from other sources to... more maps than TANL :)
TANL had like 70 to sift through...
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