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Last update for (2)Farewell to the Moon : 2006, 07, 25 18:25
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
663 (2)Farewell to the Moon 128*96Diminate1.5beta

The map has been rated 51 times and got a total of 76 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

i saw this at pgt and know your intensions, however the 12 ang 6 rutes are very easy defendable when there are ramps there so terran might just turtle himself to many expansions in tthe center anyways.
Cool concept. Instead of having 1 way with a lot of flanking room, you have plenty with very few flanking room. That makes for a lot of interesting tactics probably. Still, it should be pretty terran-favoring overall. as Starparty already pointed out, the center looks too powerful. All gas expansions except for the naturals are in the center, that's a pretty bad balancing imo.
Maybe one of those should be a rather hungry mineral only, while you add another gas expansion at top right and bottom left for example!?

I still like the map overall, reminds me of the great map raid assault, which was my home map last BWCL-season:)
If terran gets the moment to move to your base, you are out for sure. From this highground, everything in you base could be destroyed. Anyway the top and bottom expand, really should have gas, and you can erase 2 gas stations from center(imo). THe map from first look really looks so powerfull for terran with those highgrounds, but with this 3 mobile ways, the map could give intresting tactics, and ir will be agressive too.
very original, good idea
but I really doubt if many small ways can give the same balance as a space to flank properly...with some buildings + a few tanks + turrets, T can hold off a whole protoss army easily- while having enough units "unused" to do anywhere else some damage
I think this is a long game map cuz units yust take forever to walk to the other side of the map =S oh and, i think pvt, tvp is kinda messed int his map. I really like the concept GJ man. Think of removing some cliffs??
Thanks for the comments.

I'm thinking of changing the position of some expansions. And I think I can widen the ramp of center hills like Raid Assault. However I never used special editors like SCMDraft. I think original editor is sufficient for me.

One point which I think the center hills are ok is that it is not easy to take both hills. Even if Terran secured one hill, you still have the other hill. And Terran main forces cannot stay there forever because of sneak attack on main base.

Well, in fact, there was no game played in this map. So nothing can be sure. I'm tring to place some gas expansion other than the center.
um... diminate, are you 'mapdorian'? hi. :)
Yes, I think I remember you. Nice to meet you here. :)
Based on Farewell to the Moon II, I made some little changes.

First is replacing gases, thanks to LGI for his GMSC suggestions in the other article.

Second is the wide ramps in the center hills. This is the first time I used SCMDraft other than saving map images. :)

Anyway as I told in the other article, Farewell to the Moon III, I'll decide final version of this map. I would like to take you preferences.
I think you mixed up something, at least the pics are the same.
Thanks for opinions.

I decided Farewell to the Moon II as the official version of Farewell to the Moon.

I fixed some places where would be suffered by tank. And added an easy mineral expansion on each side.

After playing some game, I found that the map is really hard for terran. Well, my terran is bad but Hong is quite good player(he is originally a protoss user). It is hard for terran to advance. And carriers are really stress for terran. And in ZvP, Z seems to be good, so for ZvP and TvP I added the expansion.

Anyway, this will be used in my clan's online league someday. I'll leave the map as it is until the league.

2006 / 07 / 23

I edited this map once again to submit in starc league for amateurs.

Well, there is nothing much changed. I just widened the crevice battle ground on 3/9 o'clock side, and changed few thing in design.

I didn't change anything that might affect balance or style of the game.

Anyway, enjoy! :)

--Diminate vs Minsa.dearvoid(1on1, 1.13)
--Diminate vs Minsa.dearvoid(1on1, 1.13)
--Diminate vs Minsa.dearvoid(1on1, 1.13)
--Hong vs Minsa.dearvoid(1on1, 1.13)

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