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There are currently 3831 maps in the database.
There were 51426 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded.
The average rating for all maps is 2.6 .
5 newest maps:
(4)Espresso 0.61
(2)Taurus 0.78
(3)Maya 0.60
(4)Nocturne 1
(3)A-Team 0.81
5 newest replays:
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)Whiteout0
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Haven_of_Winter_0.60
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (2)Autumn_to_Winter_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Vitaath_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)White Dragons Valley
Some updates...23 of October 2005 09:45 PM
Posted by:panschk[FP]

- GMCS: should be more accurate now.
- GMCS: You can reset it on the map-edit page. (Delete ALL entries)
- Changed replay page slightly.
- User-beta maps can not be rated.
- Rec. Maps is a regular option in the left menu know.

That's all for now. I know you want more, but I'm weak and lazy and stuff .. :D
Mutual Dream update22 of October 2005 04:45 PM
Posted by:Starparty

If anyone else has any suggestions for the Mutual Dream, please post them as soon as possible so we can move on. We also will have to deside if we should build on one of the basic maps, or combine several if it is possible and works out fine. i will introduce Phase 3 soon.

:: Project: Mutual Dream ::

/Starparty 22 Oct 05 (16.45)
BWMNs next steps...19 of October 2005 11:56 PM
Posted by:Listoric

Entropy: "I will set up access and stuff [...]. I need everyone's main public account etc.. "

I told Entropy that we're interested in posting our MOTW and stuff as he sugguested. It's a great chance of becoming the best mapsource in Europe and for that, i will have to send him the accounts of the BWMN newsposter.

Therefore i need the accounts of...


... as fast as possible to get things running.

Now we got the chance of becoming even bigger and more important than we could think of in the first place! And, we will need some more i guess. We need more people who support this site as newsposters or in other purposes.

Everyone who is interested of supporting BWMN should write a short statement about him/her into our comment section here.

I'd like to be fast in that matter: The faster we are, the earlier we can take advantage of our chance!

Also i want you to know that i'm not sure what exactly our posts on these sites look like, but we will see :)

Ok, BroodWarMaps.Net, gogogo!

Have a nice week,

MOTW 4218 of October 2005 03:41 PM
Posted by:Listoric
Updated:19 of October 16:23 PM

As forseen, it's not going to be easier in the future to chose a new Map of the Week. This week, a lot of great maps were sugguested. From very basic to very innovative, very clean to very detailed or even some maps out of the last Random Map Competition had the chance of winning this week. In the end, a very talented mapper gets the MOTW honour in week 42, it's [7x]SpitFire with his last badland creation Aegis 2.0. Take a look!

It somehow reminds me of two old brothers. Both fight for the love of a beatiful woman, but only one has the chance to make her love him. Like little castles with a big wall in their back, they seem to prefer to look into the corner of the map, more than looking at each other. Now both brothers, seperated through love and hate somehow, fight a neverending battle for an endless love...

Maybe this description was a bit too "inaccurate" for some of us... but hey, open your hearts buddys, this map will make you love it!

At first, Aegis has a standard opening, with a natural expansion in front of the choke, but be aware of the walkable cliff that somehow serves as a back entrance as well. The next expansions lie different. If you prefer to be closer to your enemy, you take the gas expansion facing towards the mapcenter, or you can go slow and take the expansion on the nearby hill instead. You could even take the one at the cliff in the back of your base. Where do you want to go today? ;)
You see, Spitfire created a map with a great expansion concept, very detailed terrain with an huge amount of propellerdoodads and very good tactical possibilities.

*Upd.* The last small problems StarEdit caused are fixed, so that map is also ready for the next + MOTW Tour in about one week.

Anyway, that should not stop you from downloading our newest MOTW here or post some comments and check out the final version here.

*Upd.*And, as a small reminder, don't forget Panschk[FP]īs imbalanced map contest that is going to end this 22th, so watch out!

Have a nice week,

Phase 2: Forging the land17 of October 2005 01:57 PM
Posted by:Starparty

Phase 2: Forging the land
It is time to start submitting maps with ideas on how the map should look like. upload a "experimental" so far, and add like a normal competition map in the P:MD thread. only ONE submission per user to keep the count low. Ofcourse we can change the submission later on, but to avoid too many unnessecary maps in the DB etc blabla... we discuss the maps in their respective threads, not in P:MD thread. There we discuss the map we choose later on.


Name your map "Your name's" Mutual Dream, and add it as user-beta

:: Project: Mutual Dream ::

/Starparty 17 Oct 05 (13:57)

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