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There are currently 3831 maps in the database.
There were 51426 comments posted and 3408 replays uploaded.
The average rating for all maps is 2.6 .
5 newest maps:
(4)Espresso 0.61
(2)Taurus 0.78
(3)Maya 0.60
(4)Nocturne 1
(3)A-Team 0.81
5 newest replays:
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)Whiteout0
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Haven_of_Winter_0.60
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (2)Autumn_to_Winter_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (4)Vitaath_0.6
SCRVN vs Alyosha... on (3)White Dragons Valley
MotW 2006.0212 of January 2006 03:57 PM
Posted by:Listoric

Very late because we were all to busy to decide as it seems, still we have a job to do and here we have the newest Map of the Week on

The creator of our newest Map of the Week, the russian mapping superstar Spitfire, , has created another great map, Valhalla, which really looks like an awesome map to me.

The map has unusual dimensions, a great use of widened ramps, a brutal count of detail, and a very strong battlefeel to it, after you have to take the center to be sure not to be overrun by a good Terran attack, somehow like Ride of Valkyries. You can easily take you natural and then be ready for a fearless macrogame. Protoss shuttles as well as Zerg Mutalisk may be "it" on this map against Terran.

To me, it looks like one of the most interesting maps in the past weeks and so deserved the wonderful title: Map of the Week.


Download: *click*
Comments: *click*

And after we are late, i'll set up the next MotW and we have to be fast to get into our normal rythm again.

Shake it baby!

Pimp my Map!10 of January 2006 02:38 PM
Posted by:Starparty

By submitting to this contest you agree that your map will be pimped by ME! Please do not submit maps you didnt create yourself.

When the deadline is over i will select the most tragical map in the bunch and make it supah hot :) If you want your map pimped - gogo!

Submit your map here!
SPRMC508 of January 2006 05:23 PM
Posted by:Starparty

What is this you say? Well what do you think!? Could it be anything else than:


As the map above indicates it is time to make a teamplayer map. The choises are quite free this time, except that decoration is a must. Im a sucker for beautiful maps so if you wanna win - decorate! :8

* 6-8 Startcloations - map must be playable in 3v3
* Tileset = Jungle, Twilight or Space - Anything else is not accepted
* Dimensions = 128x128 / 128x192 / 192x128 - Be careful - dont make it too big...
* Deadline 18th of January - Thats 10 days from now

The map must ofcourse be balanced, but remember that its a 3on3 player map so focus on 6 players instead of 2. For instance there might be neccesary to place quite alot of expos compared to a 2-4 player map. Goodluck.

ps. im the sole judge in this competition and i will proclaim the winner as i see fit. If i choose the winner just because its the prettiest map - fine. Im the one deciding ;P Don't whine - Decorate.

MOTW 1 in 200601 of January 2006 05:53 PM
Posted by:LGI

A new year, a new start, a new great map of the week! This time the author is noname who have a map in the first BWMN Map Pack, but no MotW untill now! Congratilations to noname with his first MotW which is called (4)old town0.2.

The intresting elements in (4)old town0.2 are the natural buildings. They are placed very good, so the pathfinding is still on a great level. Those natural buildings are a very important element of the map. In the frist view, we can see a semi-air expand. But in long games, they can be used as a second door to the vertical location. The map also have some very well protected natural expands in the middle, wich are also a very usefull tactical element of the map. I also want to say that this is one of the best maps i've ever seen with so well good used Temple Wall!

Again, congratilations noname, for the great work. Really this is your best map ever!

The melee map version can be download from here.
The observer map version can be taken from here.

All the work from noname can be found here.
Headoff G.I. User Maps Tournament 0101 of January 2006 04:28 PM
Posted by:LGI

So the first Headoff G.I. User Maps Tournament 01 is over. This tourney was played in the Bulgarian Headoff G.I. server. The date was 30.12.2005 20:00 CET. 30 players take part in it. They fight for 50 leva (25 Euro), and the promised showmatch vs Darki. The map pool was:

Round 1: (4)Sattarchasm by Starparty - MotW 48
Round 2: (4)Grapes of Wrath 2.0 by LGI - MotW 50
Round 3: (4)Comet by trcc - MotW 49
Round 4: (2)Star Gates by SpitFire - MotW 51
Round 5 Final: (4)Toxicity v1.1 by flothefreak

After many hard sitations with the players who were missing in the begining, and a late start, the tourney finaly got the 100% registred players. And they were:

01) LGI
02) Me_G_G
03) Korn_
04) Orange_
05) Those_Hands
06) gaf
07) Willkinson
08) Panschk_Pro
10) NOKIA_
11) Me_neverborn
12) kitaeza
13) UKIO
14) TrailBlazer
15) UnBeLiEvEbLe
16) sC4s]StInG
17) ArtOfZerg
18) tofeelthepower
19) TakeMyDance
20) KickBoxerrr
21) virus_protoss
22) Ciklq_Parket
23) Destroyer{GOD}
24) Backdafacup
25) ScoutWBF_Pro
26) BJlagko
27) Toss-Power
28) shits_uf
29) Xs-Nichy[bwd]
30) sC4s]Inri

Because the tourney was in bulgarian server, the players were all Bulgarians, except for ScoutWBF_Pro & Panschk_Pro, who are both germans, and well known in as ScoutWBF and Panschk[FP] (The founder of

The players who get to the final were sC4s]StInG and virus_protoss, both bulgarians. Their main races are Zerg (sC4s]StInG) and Protoss (virus_protoss). The first map was (4)Toxicity v1.1, and virus_protoss win easily with blocking the entrance with zilots and cannon rush. The second game sC4s]StInG pick (4)Sattarchasm, and after 22 minutes of Blood Bath, sC4s]StInG win with a big advantage in army and expands. The third and final game was on (4)Toxicity v1.1 again, picked by virus_protoss. The intresting thing was that virus_protoss chose to be a terran. So the game was TvZ. sC4s]StInG didn't use the advantage that virus_protoss is a protoss player and play only on one hatchery for very fast lurkers, but virus_protoss stop them, and then easily win. So the winner of this tournament was virus_protoss.

virus_protoss is a 15 years old boy. His real name is Ilian Zdravkov Stefanov. He plays Brood War since 2003 year, but only for those 2 years he is showing us that he is having a good future in gaming.

So lets wish good luck to virus_protoss in the showmatch, that the date of it, is still unknown.

You can download the replay pack here

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