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deadline to enter maps: 2011, 01, 01 (Year, month, day)
This MOTHY is for all non-2-player maps. As such the MOTHY will have two winners, which I think is fair since there\'s quite a few maps stretched over quite a long period. Again, this is not a Map of the Year, only a MOTM covering several months.

NameAuthorDownloadvote(1., 2., 3. choice)
(4)WindMill 1.0LasTCursEMelee Obs Picture0
(4)Escher PlaneFreaklingMelee Obs Picture0
(4)TomorrowLasTCursEMelee Obs Picture0
(4)PyrolysisFreaklingMelee Obs Picture0
(4)RazorsEdge(ZIP)FreaklingMelee Obs Picture0
(4)VaporJungleterrainMelee Picture0
(4)BizarreFreaklingMelee Obs Picture0
(3)RomanticaJungleTerrainMelee Picture0
(5)MonumentK_AMelee Obs Picture0
(4)Zapretnaya ZonaFreaklingMelee Obs Picture0
The competition is closed!

Oh, thanks. Muuuch easier overview now.
Yeah it was a good idea ~~
Some thoughts and comments:

- Windmill: Even with the colony I don't know how zerg's expected to defend here. Space could be better distributed, allowing a wider middle.
- Tomorrow: I really fancy this one. I always kinda liked Katrina despite all its drawbacks and this pretty much fixes Katrina's issues. Maybe a bit too much snow for most players eyes, but hard to change due to the layout. I already pointed out all the minor flaws and LC has supposedly fixed them (picture needs update!).
- Vapor: I really Hope Jungle finishes this. Depending on the outcome I think it'll be this one or Tomorrow for me.
- Romantica: Well executed despite the boring look (which is partially caused by the tileset). Being the only 3 player map in the competition alone makes it interesting :P
- Monument: Callow for-the-picture-map. Nothing more to say here.
modified by freakling
I give freakling's map a chance altho i would like for him to make it a little bit less of a mess ::D
I don't like any of them ._>

Windmill is unplayable pvz, else I'd probably vote for it (it needs to be properly FEable!).

In Tomorrow it's too hard to flank a horizontal/vertical attack. If there were more paths to the middle (like, if the broken snow connecting the four plateaus was removed) I would consider voting for it.

Escher Plane has no problems, but it's incredibly boring ._>

Over-large mains suggest poor space allocation in Romantica.

Zepretnaya Zona seems messy: particularly I don't care for the expo layout.
Er nevermind about Windmill, I looked at the rest of the map and it's just unplayable period haha.
Monument first place? Seriously?

I could update Escher with interchanged positions of Minonly and 3rd-access-point, update Pyro with reduced gas values and some stuff in the middle...

Why don't you like Razor or Vapor?
modified by Freakling
Obviously Monument is throw-away vote.

Vapor looks unfinished to me. As it is now, it doesn't really give you anything that Shakras doesn't do better.

I don't that you can't play teal vs purple in razor. In the other positions it seems like the map favours passive turtley play. Top right/bottom left seem useless, your almost semi-island third or a nat/main will always be a superior choice. The min onlys are kind of useless too. The nat looks weird. I don't see that the troy gates make a difference. And what's left is a fairly boring map. It's certainly not bad, it just seems to me to lack flair.
C'mon, Marjoo. Throw-away votes suck.

I can update Escher for you, won't be the most exciting map ever, of course, but some interesting island mechanic is not particularly incredibly boring, eh?
And I thought about making the cliffed expos in Razor double gas.
What would you say if I added some flavour to Pyro's middle and made all main gases 2k to force agressive expo play?
Bizarre also looks like a ... bizarre ... vote.
My votes are always subject to change.
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