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:: MotW 46 ::

deadline to enter maps: 2005, 11, 11 (Year, month, day)

Here we go again ;D

NameAuthorDownloadvote(1., 2., 3. choice)
(2)Dual CrisistrccMelee Picture0
(2)Sleeping Sun FinalScoutWBFMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Artillery Of SunRSCup.SpitFire[7x]Melee Obs Picture0
(4)Arena 1.1StarpartyMelee Obs Picture0
(2)Twisted TempledecafchickenMelee Obs Picture0
(2)caribbean dreams5.2nonameMelee Obs Picture0
(4)Neo EclipseTravinMelee Picture0
(2)TourniquetSummerSkyMelee Picture0
The competition is closed!

Your Name
Well after playing many times on (4)Wizzy Noice imo this map gives many stragaies, if you see the replays you will see some of them. And the sneaking trick behind minerals i think is also a good idea too. An air expand that can be reached by ground with a worker but no army units can get there without a dropship. Well, i hope you like it.
That was me.
Sleeping Sun 4 The win!
Astronomy after changing it's concept.
Actually wizzy noise really looks nice. LGI improved his maps a lot in the past weeks.
yea, however the backdoors seems like a unnecesary complement, and the center expos will screw pathing there. Definitelly a candidate though, but these are issues he will have to correct (imo) if he wants my vote.
ok I think Astronomy will win this time...
I played the map and had no issues with it. It played pretty smooth and straightforward;)
Lol, about patchfinding you are wrong. About the backdoors, i think is prety cool idea. When i make them, i just make them to look more good and to be used in long games, when players are mined their minerals. After that when i play the map i see that this back door gives a lot more. You can:

1) Make a the trick with a worker by passing trough minerals and catch a fast expand that is reachable only from air or drop (well at least if the minerals are not mined from the first natural to each player).

2) Do the same as first but not for a expand, you can rush with probe and build cannons behind minerals.

3) You can escape with tanks if you have too, not just giving them as everybody does, when they don't have any space to escape.

4) Be a second way to the next main base. After all if you see the map you will see that from top to bottom have 2 ways. From low ground, and from high ground. And now is a bit more fair to have 2 ways from left to right, don't you think? Some of you may say that it's not fair beacuse it's blocked with minerals, but this patch gives more other possiblities (look 1), 2), 3))

I think thats enought. So i am not removing the backdoors for sure. The map is way more fun and good with them.
Dual Crisis for the win!
gogo wizzy noise;)
SP, can you send the logo of on my mail?
Check your mail. I will post the logo again in some days, still the most pictures should look the same, and for that, i show you all "how it should look like". Because all pictures should have the same quality.
i have not too much troubles with wizzy noise
I vote for caribbean dreams.
It looks great, is interesting and shows a lot of originality. It would also be a great variation in MOTW tour :)

[Astronomy lost a lot of its fascination somehow, so I don't mention it :/]
i am vor Sleeping sun ^^
i really like this map

ah and sry for the 2 times i submit it cause i am dont know this where i must vote so i dont saw any ^^ sry
go for sleeping sun :)
i like to play this map ! xD
I vote my own map cause i think it owns all the other maps XD
And i deserve to win once^^
it needs to fix
more than 2 neutral expo
too open, terrain wont be used and quite boring

fix these and it might be good
Astronomy > AoS back. After I've tested Astronomy with my clanmates, I realized that AoS is much more balanced and provides more fun gameplay style..
@Travin:If you want more neutral expos tell me where and i think about it.Was that thing with "Terrain wont be used" a joke?You need the ground in the middle really bad like you will see in the second replay i uploaded.
i watched both replays and the terrain felt really useless, so you need something more
and haveing almost half amount of expos next to mains = nothx
yeah, the expansion placement is horrible. You should really be able to find it out by yourself.

There should be something to fight for, if all expos clearly belong to one of the players, you can just turtle for ever.
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And vote for wizzy noice too, because LGI is my map hero!!!
I want you all to notice that I am containing myself in this very moment very heavily.
What the fuck?First i make terrain more usefull then everybody complains.Now you say its useless?!Make a decission -_-
who summit the motw 45 ???
motw45=temple of eden
it was (well, still is :D) listoric's map
ah sry
I thought you wanted to know MOTW45-winner.
dunno who added it
removed temple of eden
and 2 sleeping sun's for obvious reasons
Damn it... Well again i want to say sorry from YoZ... He is a friend of mine, not in this community, i was just showing my maps, because we play with him 2v2. He is PlaZma on the replays. I will talk with him, hope this doesnt happen again, and this "He is my map hero" is starting to anoying me...
My extremely biased vote would be for twisted temple ^^

But my next favorite would probably be Sleeping Sun.
O___________O shit. My prevoius comment is really interesting... T_T
Just wanted to say that everyone votes for his map o_O
I'm thinking that it is unacceptable for my mind to vote for myself, so my vote is for..........
Mmmmmmmmmm........ Arena imo is clearly the best here o_O
thats why i put "My next favorite would be sleeping sun" so you could use that vote instead of me voting for my own map
Sorry, but if Sleeping Sun wins with that concept, i think i won't submit any more of mine maps in the MotW section. This is just unacceptable...

I was wating all week to vote, because i want to play a little the maps i think that should win, and the reasuld is this.

(2)Dual Crisis - looks very good, but i didn't have really intresting games on it. You can also see that, because i didn't upload any replays. But mayby this is just because that was my luck for the map... Dunno.

(4)Arena - Prety open map, it gives a lot for a unit control, i like it. On that map can be seen the real pro players :D

(2)caribbean dreams5.2 - even if i don't like very much that have a reachable ground expand, i still like it a lot, because the expand is enought far away from the main base, and it's also easy to attack. So thats good for me.

(2)Tourniquet - Looks absolutly very good for 1v1 playing, i love the way it's ake the backdoor. Too bad i didn't have time for playing it. But the map is great.

(4)Wizzy Noise - i already comment this map a lot :)

And for this five maps it goes like this.

I've never vote for my own map. But now i am voting for (4)Wizzy Noise, mayby because i play it too much, and i have great games on it. I really like everything on it. And the many stratagys i can do on it.

1. (4)Wizzy Noise
2. (2)Tourniquet - Even if am still not play it, i think it will be great.
3. (2)caribbean dreams5.2
4. (4)Arena
5. (2)Dual Crisis
still carribean dreams.

wizzy noise plays ok, but there's actually special about it (though it's a really appealing combination of a variety of elements). the area behind those mineralonlys will probably allow and promote some cheese on this map, but this don't equalize those ugly ramps on top positions and some imbalances like the extremely hard start-up for zerg imho.
don't get me wrong, it's a good and playable map, but I doubt if it's really good enough to MOTW. I can't say for sure if it is or not, I'll play a bit on it, we'll see...
Well i wont repeat myself about the map. If you read it good, then this is your opinion. But anyway i will repeat one thing from the map comments.

"Can anyone help me with the top ramps, to look a little like in Shrangi-La?"
I like Wizzy noise, but i see all others LGI mentioned on top of it. It is good, it evolved a lot, no doubt, but there are better maps this week i'd say.

Tourniquet is neat, but i just don't like it somehow. I miss something, dunno, it looks boring to be, also it looks quite entertaining... strange huh? :/

Dual Crisis is also nice, but it has the same "problem" somehow. it looks good, interesting and still boring to me (maybe my mood is just strange ^^)

Caribbean dreams looks also good. a nice airmap. could be WAY more detailed and it feels a but rough somehow. The concept is great, and if someone like our "doodad terrain professionals" would ley theire hands on it, it would look even better and more fluid.

Arena is just sooooo basic, that i really don't want it to be MOTW because it's so stupid "normal". Still an awesome map and would deserve MOTW honour after it just sets the 886 to perfection somehow... as said, i somehow hate you for creating this map SP ^^ really :P

Artillery of Sun, last weeks hot candidate isn't really mentioned this wee, what is quite strange. I like this version best, even if i don't like the map itself somehow. It's just so straight vertical, not my kind of map. Still very well executed.

Have to eat something, a comment to all other maps follows later.

(4)Wizzy Noise is update it. Have better ramps thx to floatfreak, and it's more decorated, and the center is changed.
And btw, don't count YoZ vote as a vote, i know him. He is not a map maker, and don't udnerstand nothing about map making. Mayby he give his vote, because we play a lot with him... Dunno...
as said in earlier MOTWs votes, every vote is a note to the one who writes the article, which is me or sometimes panschk atm. I don't go through the comments and just count votes an write the article.

It's more about comments and sugguestions to help the one who decides to forge his opinion and rethink every idea he has about MOTW and stuff.

By now, i see Arena (the "perfection" of 886) and Carribean Dreams(nice airmap) as the best candidates. And Arena more than CD after it looks smoother in my eyes. Still all other maps have the chance to "win" this week also. We will see.
AoS: little update - center opened a bit.
I would have to vote for Carribean Dreams over arena, Arena is a good map, but its very standard.
firstly, LGI shall stop calling me floatfreak 8[

secondly: carribean dreams jsut rocks somehow with the design. it's actually the first map where I have to say that this canny decoration style looks so good on a map.
no, I must correct me:
EtD has the same fancy attractiveness
but it still goes for CD^^
isn't CD like very very old?I remember I once saw it like 5months ago or something.How does it come that its nominated now?

I think either CD or ToE will win.Again no win for me^^
Uhm not ToE i mean Arena
I fix (4)Wizzy Noise. Now it has 3 ramps on each end. I also made the map totaly natural. Every doodad is a tree or a rock, only on high grass there is a little "underground doors". The center is remaked.

Sorry, about calling you like that flothefreak. It was not on purpus :|
LGI = Mr. Copy&Paste ^^ i read the same sentences everywhere ^^ quite confusing :D
Well some guys just don't look at my map, or they just don't comment it, i don't know. They just look in MotW section, so thats why i do this...
those guys you somehow hallucinate on this page don't exist. It should be clear that one looks through all submitted maps before giving his FINAL vote.
STill unclear about MOTW in my case, CF or Arena are the hottest candidates imo. Final vote, what'S your opinion? Then we can write the article tomorrow.
No one will play CD anyway and Arena is just too standart.If I can only vote one of those two I won't vote this week,else I vote Sleeping Sun.:)
sorry, but this was a dumb comment. you could say "no one will play it" about every usermap, so this is no argument.

My vote goes to carribean dreams.
I never saw a game on it and the map is months old!Why should this fact change all of sudden?
well then i vote cd so there will be some games on it ;P
I already had a pretty long TvT on Carribean dreams.
Well if it really would be motw, I'd prefer someone playing it before, the version I played was pretty old. Otherwise, I'd prefer wizzy noise, a map that proved to be fun in many games.
Well, congratilations to Carribean Dreams. I try to work hard this week to improve Wizzy Noise, but the week has pass, and no luck. Well i got maps for the comming week too :) .

Btw can i submit again Wizzy Noise in future? Mayby next month i don't know, because i really like it.
post it anytime you want
GOsh, raelky have no idea what map should be MOTW... really... maybe someone else wants to write the article. I'd say Arena, it would just make sense if it would be MOTW after it is played often, without real flaws and stuff. Still anybody is argueing, most of the time why their own map isn't motw... :/
Well you are here from the begining and you have many MotW maps. Me, and ScoutWBF, and guys like us, don't have even one MotW map. So thats why we are fight so much :) . You just don't have that feel when your map is MotW or not. Same is with the others, who already have a lot of maps being MotW. And just look at the circle you are making... Anyway all of you deserve this, because you are at high level, and you are making great maps. So this circle is normal.

About (4)Arena. It's just too simple. Ofcourse it's balanced, and well made. But other maps can be played too, if they get the chance. I don't say that with MotW maps, we will have this chance. I don't wait for anybody, to make my maps famus, while i am just sitting here. So thats why i play so many user maps.
My ranking would still be:

1)Wizzy Noise
2)Caribbean Dreams

I don't want it to look like a Starparty fanpage :]
well, when i have seen kin dza dza, i will not vote for wizzy noise because KDD is just so way much better.

sorry for that LGI, but atleast you will have my vote next week if you submit that map instead.
dza dza looks so boring. both the jpg and to play. Wizzy noise is much cooler :]
AoS :O decided to vote for myself as I am mean enough ^^
as = cause WoW
My ranking would be
1)Caribbean Dreams
2)Wizzy Noise
can we have a veto vote from a admin?

wizzy noise or CD it is. was long time since we had an airmap as motw, but lgi works very hard.

If the criterias to win motw honor is the same as when we started, then CD should probably win. but then again, if we decide that hard work should be rewarded.. then lgi will probably win.
Heh, thx for the comment, but i think everybody is working hard on their maps. I just make many changes, when i make one map, because i listen to your suggestions. But it's true that the most hardest maps, i've ever made, are (4)Wizzy Noise and (4)Kin Dza Dza. Espacially the second one :) .
I write the article now
For which map? :P

Amistad was motw not that long ago. dirz too :]
yeah.. and?.. :P
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