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Last update for (2)Stupid Mind : 2011, 08, 21 23:51
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4413 (2)Stupid Mind 128*128ArcTimes2.6betaground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (2 elements)

I can tell you were frustrated by this map. XD
modified by CrystalDrag
This is my twos map :D!!!
The phobic's map, (2)ArcTimes, help me to finish my map :P. (well, no finish, but enough to upload it)

What do you think. The second entrance has a blue storm choke and the nats are forge wall-able.
Concerning mains, tanks should be able to decimate them. It looks like you spammed unwalkable tiles, but they will still become destroyed. :D

The naturals look very harrasable, and blue's gas might be tankable from behind the bluestorm choke.

Reds mineral only looks like it should be moved down a bit.

The gas on the high ground is very open. o_O terran favor...

Islands are tankable from those platforms..

Reminds of PA, which is also terran favored..
o.O Of course it's open. If you see blue storm middle. The reason that it's difficult for terran to continue to pass that middle with his push is because it's low ground. Here it's not going to be easy to defend that expa unless he is attacking.
And there are other expansion using the blue storm choke.

I think the blue's gas is not tankable but i can change it if you are right.

"Reds mineral only looks like it should be moved down a bit."

I suffered a lot trying to make seem the same D:

You are using the "Extra large boxes" grid to measure approximate distances right?
Yes, but it's difficult when the expansion start on the middle of a box, or when is 3/4 or 7/8 :V!!!
>.> you mind fixing dl so i can take a look.
DL fixed
lol not that simple eh? ^^
Check GMCs. i think it would fix the distance
Mains WAYYYYY too small
My only problem is lack of a decent defendable third. That hurts mainly zerg but also terran/toss.. alot
who cares about the third, you won't even be able to macro barely off 2base with those small mains.

Where does terran put anything?
Well the terran does have the ability to float his buildings....
You cannot float supply depots, and floating barracks/factories/starports cannot produce units lol
If he pushes the first middle strip of basilica up more he can expand the mains towards the top left corner. He can also expand the mains towards eachother some more as the tank safety distance is ridiculous. idk about air. Mutas will prolly rape.
Actualy if he just switches the position of the mains and the nats and does a natural like in Oracular Visions the map will work great. The corner space will be able to enlarge main if he does that too.
agree with Phobics suggestion. That first strip of basilica does not need to be that close to the mains, how it is now.

Move it closer to the top left, like, until it's adjacent with the bigger path at the top left.

The top left looks pretty boring, though.

Push that island farther into the corner, or get rid of it. I'm not sure if it will be used much. I could be wrong.

Then use the space gained with these edits to enlarge the mains.
modified by JungleTerrain
NICe i like these brdige/hill things :)

Expand the main abit towards the down expos

Blue's nat choke seems smaller than reds cuz of the mineral placement and the terraning of the choke it self

Make sure start locations can't be sieged from the low ground
and whatever the ppl above said cuz i'm lazy to read ^^
Is it me or this is his first positive comment :D
It's not you.
Hey arctimes get your stupid mind working on this before deadline closes. -_-
Sorry, i didn't have time to fix it. When is deadline time?
LOL until this sunday? x_X
modified by ArcTimes
It is going to take a lot of work but I see exactly how to fix not only the symmetry but the whole concept.

1 - Orange - This is the maps biggest problem. The orange line is the perfect axis of x, -y. Needless to say your map is a little crooked. Now it is not expected for any map of this symmetry type to fall under this line perfectly BUT it should not deviate as much as yours does. Otherwise it is not x, -y.

2 - Yellow - This is your maps line of symmetry. It's crooked and the orange arrows show how to fix it.

3 - Light Gray - This is where your naturals should be for this concept to work. One cannot be placed asymmetrically to the other. That does not make sense. This is also to help enlarge the main.
Forget my other comment. Don't change the concept of the map just improve it.

4 - Brown - In order to balance the map the mains must have decent symmetrical placement and be large enough to house production of all races.

5 - Gold - You have to make the thirds safer to take. All zerg players will hate you if you don't. Including me. Allow protoss to wall the entrance with at most 3 pylons to keep vulture harass out.

6 - Light Yellow - Here you just need to nudge the islands to the corners more.

7 - Lime - Here you need to fix the symmetry of the large middle basilica. There are a lot of basilica ramps on the site although the quality of them is up for argument. I have never found a set of basilica ramps that I like.

8 - Dark Grey - Push the 4th-ish expos to the corner to make more room for the backdoor path between bases. You might want to connect this to the lower number 7 via path inbetween mains for more interesting play.

GL HF. This edit will be a pain in the ass but it will improve the map. That natural really isn't playable.

I think that if you made the natural-main choke like in Oracular visions ( the map would play amazingly.
modified by Phobic
Don't forget an ovi spot.
I was going to do it like that, but because it is 128x112 and the distances leaving the main were not going to be the same because is not an square, but looking at the picture, it seem that is going to work well.

I love the idea of 8.

And about nats like ocular visions.. i don't know.
You mean, no blue storm choke D:?
Or the nat in the other side, away from entrance.
I put the mineral and gas there, because you can put a forge nexto the gayser to help with walling.
I don't know if i can make a wall on a nat like ocular, i'm going to try it.
The map doesn't have doodads yet.
I didn't test it yet. I'm going to do it right now :D!
Tell me if it's ok now.
I couldn't connect the small path with the backdoor exp because is so far away. Any idea to fill the space in the middle?
Maybe i can get rid of those min onlies and put an island in the middle.
Symmetry is much better.
Widen teh bridges. And make them more sleek.
modified by Phobic
I like the update
what the hell happend to the map lol i liked the old one.. :/
O_O ?!? Should just have made this 128x112 or 128x96. Natural solution for the bridge problem that automatically fixes the "too bif map" issue, too.
modified by Freakling

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