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Last update for (4)--A.New.Temple. : 2007, 05, 21 12:31
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1899 (4)--A.New.Temple. 128*128Sokon0.1final

The map has been rated 55 times and got a total of 8 points

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Comments:   GMCS (4 elements)

eh the file you uploaded doesn't function as a map; either that or you protected it. My staredit won't open it, and it won't try and dl the map through clicking it the way maps work on the site. There is no picture and I can't make one =/
I made some mistake when uploading. I try again
How can i delete the map?? U know, btw?
modified by Sokon
The other thing is: I dont know how to make a screenshot, as like the other ones.
I reuploeaded it. Now, it mustbe ok
modified by Sokon
>>>>>>>>>Just a little Changing in the Lost Temple Map<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Tell me what u think
dl that thing under files on left bottom panel
This is good, we need more versions of LT
@boongee yep

Anyway,you have chosen the wrong tileset.You have chosen badl. but the map is act.jugle
No match to lt 2.4, certainly. I already told you online that I don't like it much :p

Keeping the small ledges below the mainbases where terrans like to drop to is bad imo, it's not like terran needs that on lt, with already having a cliffable natural.
I also told you about the gas issue, and it doesn't balance it out that the natural gas is always the opposite of the main gas. The gas issue is important in early game, not when you have an expansion.

I'll also add some GMCs

I try too correct the small ledges. Maybe ure right, i just take that idea from older LT versions, and balanced it too all mainbases.
But i dont understand the problem with the gas issues. How much slower are the left ones too the right ones?
I found ure gas map spinesheath.
U cant fix that problem realy, BUT u can use FOUR Probes to minimalize that Problem.
i tryed it:
Pos 2 (right)reached depleted at first
after 4 sec
reached pos 1 (up) + 3 (down) depleted
after 1 sec
reached pos 4 (left) dpleted

So, there is NO gas imbalanced, if u use FOUR SCV (i tryed with terran only)

So, why u dont use 4 Probes. It makes no difference for the mineralsminig, if u use 3 or 4 probes.
Maybe at the beginning, u use 3 probes, if u have enough miners (over 12) take 4
modified by Sokon
Do you really think we (not just me) made such a big thing out of it if it was that simple?
Consider a zvz. How many drones do you have? 12, maybe 13 or 14, depending on how aggressive you are playing. 1 drone less at minerals can very well decide the game. Less gas certainly hurts in that mu as well.
Also, it is annoying to have to use more scvs for gas than your opponent. Not that it would hurt much in macro matchups, but if your map should be better than LT2.4, this counts in as well.

Just copying all the stuff to all mainbases does NOT balance a map. You get rid of positional imbalances, but create racial imbalances. On a map like lt mirroring is not the way to go.

Also, you didn't make all the bases equal. 9 is MUCH safer than the others, especially 12.
Ure right. Pos. 9 and 12 are safer, because of the Jungleramps. But u cant fix that Probllem. I gave the other pos little "cliffs" to fix that Prob.
I will change the Gasfields, too, because i killed the little ledges au the Main bases. The old gas pos. was importend, because of this ledges. Now i can change gas fields. First i run another test on ure map, with 3 probes, then i can fix the Prob.

But the cliffs are now much better then in the old LT version exept 2.4. The other things are not fixable. Lt will be imbalanced ever.

The last thing, i modified for map for 2v2 games. In 1v1 the old ones are better, because of min only pos.
PS. i dont play 1v1
12 is NOT safer. 3 is safer, and 6 is a little. 12's entrance to the natural is so huge, and the ramp is perfectly accessible...
9, on the other hand, is protected by the hook ramp, a small entrance and the temple walls...
I have played this map couple minutes ago.

So there is my opinion 'bout it:


There is nothing positive in changes that autor did to orginal LT.

Thank you for atention.
This concept has been done with Abyss Temple and I think that map does a better job (though it also does a lot to make LT more friendly to Luna-style macro whoring)

(Edit: Scratch that, Rolling Temple also did a better job than Abyss Temple, and overall 2.4 doesn't have much problems anyway)

I don't see how this map fixes any issues that people had with LT 2.4.
modified by pOOwarriOr-
Abyss Temple is trash as well. LT2.4 ftw!

--Sokon;Me)tequila(-ET22-1059;ET22-703 vs (2on2, 1.14)
--"Sokon;Schattenmann"."[um]verteilung;babytoss" vs (2on2, 1.14)

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