| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)HomeWorld Advantages : 2007, 12, 29 17:42
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 1301 | (2)HomeWorld Advantages | 64*96 | AbYsSaL | 2.4 | beta | | The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
AbYsSaL | | | This is a strange map... 100% rushing 1v1 NEwb GG~~~ well... just cannon there mins... u got 5 expo they got nothing :P | 0range | | | This is a cool one :)! | the dentist | | | this actually is interesting... pvz, toss can hold a ramp i think, and pressure quite well, but distance is a little far.
i think t>p though, p have to win it fast, like on a rush map, t just have to survive until they can push. you could counterbalance this a little if you give islands with 3 gas or something so island to carrier can possibly threaten at least an early 2 base push | the dentist | | | still fun though | boongee | | | take off some money, there's way too much | NeO)MaRine[gM] | | | Canon/Bunk rush=gg.
icky map. | SiaBBo | | | I think spawns need more space. Terran will own in this map. | lancet | | | Yeah, bunker rush or cannon rush, zerg may have the short end of the stick here unless you put some neutral creep for a sunk rush, LOL! | uC.MorroW | | | PvT is imba!, P>T early, T>P late.
u all should know this classic send 1 dragoon to terran when he got 3 marines in choke to defend :)
if terran marine go down dragoon can micro him off easy. since this is like a reverse and dragoon can attakc mineral from cliff. that means terran must defend protoss choke somehow, which is just ridicilous impossible.
imba late game well, all small maps like this favour terran late game if he get up to cliff.
id like map more if those minearls in middle were moved to edges or removed. modified by uC.MorroW |
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