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TSL 2 OR 3
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Actually varying maps frequently DOES help your skill. You learn to think out of the box and to adapt quickly, both highly important aspects of Starcraft (My guess why Flash was rolled so badly by Jaedong: He hadn't played against 2 hatch muta in AGES).

Too bad most people really want to preserve the status quo, stay on the little piece of land they know.
2008, 08, 12 21:10
lolwut, I agree with templar?

Dentist, I would pick a more proactive procedure if I was at odd's ends. Kennigit at TL in the thread said he would try and get the maps looked into and suggested they would also be testing them. I for now am going to leave my trust in him. I can mass pm random IDs of the top 48 if this doesn't work out.

I have strelok's msn btw.
2008, 08, 13 03:06
the dentist
It's never going to happen if it's up to you guys, and it looks like TL isn't going to act either. We will simply wait for an act of god then. Go make more pointless maps and let's leave this issue forever.
2008, 08, 13 04:50
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2008, 08, 14 19:16
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2008, 08, 14 21:21
the dentist
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2008, 08, 14 22:05
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2008, 08, 15 03:17
the dentist
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2008, 08, 16 16:55
the dentist
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2008, 08, 18 00:37
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2008, 08, 18 02:24
This thread should only be about TSL 2 or 3 foreign maps, if you want to complain about something else, make a different thread, or pm people.
2008, 08, 18 03:42
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2008, 08, 18 05:22
Fine, I censored your post, Nasty. And have the post back that started this nonsense. Stop complaing now.

Not that this post was worthy of staying, but if you want it so badly...
2008, 08, 18 09:07
the dentist
This site isn't going to be worthy of having anyone bothering to post here if you are going to erase everyone's opinions when they don't fit your narrow idea of what posts should be.
2008, 08, 18 15:44
Jesus, you're an asshole. We are doing things. We're constantly trying to win over popular approval of foreign maps. We're showing our maps to TL. We're talking about them. We're trying to organize competitions. Don't bitch at us, please. [by we I mean mostly Nightmarjoo]

Let me put it in perspective:

What you've done: Suggest we go talk to every TSL top 100 and beg them to reconsider. Not actually doing it yourself, but just telling us to.

What I've done, as a relatively small effort compared to many contributers here: Created hype videos for my own maps, gotten a friend to commentate on it, posted maps on TL, generally just let the community know we exist and that we put serious effort into making maps and that we really, really want people to try them out. Written articles that could help new people who maybe want to try making their own maps (make casual map makers out of a community, and they'll have more sympathy to our efforts). I've gotten people to play foreigner maps with these efforts. I even compiled the best maps (imo) from most of the database (last update I did of that was like 3 months ago or something), making a pack for people who don't want to sift thru foreigner maps, presumably getting at least a few closet games on them, though nobody ever uploads replays.

And you're telling me and everyone else that we're not doing our part and that you're wasting your time talking to us. You don't even make maps. You've got one modded version of Blood Bath. Every mapper here has put countless hours into making their maps, and trying to get people to play them, and into making this site a place of quality. You've put maybe a half hour into a couple lame posts telling us we're lazy.

I've been making maps literally for years. I'm not saying you have to make maps to be a part of this community, but if you want to pretend you're a contributing member, you need to prove you're putting the hours in elsewhere.
2008, 08, 18 21:24
the dentist
I'm telling you what has to happen for TSL. Stay on topic. I don't care if you work your maps into porn vids or w/e. That won't work.

As for who I am, who the fuck cares. I'm the queen of france. I put in hours making maps before you ever heard of this game. I designed this game. I have a penis longer than you. W/e.
2008, 08, 19 04:27
"I don't care if you work your maps into porn vids or w/e. That won't work"



...not a bad idea! It just might work!
2008, 08, 19 07:03
"I'm telling you what has to happen for TSL."

Ok guys, all we need to do is bribe every TSL admin with $1000 to get our maps in. Praise me for my genius plan. Oh, no, I'm not going to pay for it, that's up to you. I can't do everything.
2008, 08, 20 22:36
Sounds great. I volunteer The Dentist to pay them all.
2008, 08, 21 06:39
the dentist
You act like finding the players names, grouping them evenly, posting them, asking for volunteers and being willing to be one of them is nothing at all. The fact is, none of you will do anything other than make maps. You don't value anything else. Why don't one of you get good at broodwar and then we will have a good player to test?
2008, 08, 21 18:26
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