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I see what you mean. I still feel it's not necessary, but would be open to many people agreeing with you to try that system.
2007, 05, 08 21:09
you must be drunk, because thats a lot of whine.
2007, 05, 08 21:38
Well, basically we would just do the same as we do now; with the small difference that we list the trusted people...
2007, 05, 08 22:59
well griefs idea is good but its still not necessary to actually create the list. I think we all know who is active and has good judgment when voting and giving feedback for maps. If we somehow see some new faces become active or just new faces in general then we usually know right off the bat who is worth the privilege of having voice during motm etc selections.
2007, 05, 09 05:12
well maybe it is needed. there would be surely less chaos in motm threads. 5 admin rule is ok. everyone puts a comment, who thinks the neoface is worty to be trusted member. i am not against it, but really it is a big change and we need panschk and the other members' answer.
2007, 05, 10 10:48
email panschk if you want, I'm not bothering him about this one.
2007, 05, 10 21:32
I don't think that this is something that Panschk needs to approve. We rather should be able to manage the site without having to ask him for stuff we don't absolutely need him for.
It wouldn't be such a big change; again, this basically is already done when invalidating certain votes. Writing it down just makes it more formal.
2007, 05, 10 21:38
I think the big thing that needs realized here is that motw was never intended to be fully democratic, and when it became as such it began to have issues. MOTM will function as such, it is not a complete democracy. There is no reason for it to be. Full democracy only lessens quality of maps chosen.
2007, 05, 10 21:49
well, you have some new faces. I've been lurking around to get (new|cool|innovative) maps for maybe 6 months now. registered not long ago, so I can actually vote for the maps which prove to be fun playing. we have a bunch of people who are playing on a daily basis, 99% of the time with maps from BMW.
I can't create maps, i lack any skills in map making, but I'm here for testing and playing.. and mostly - have fun.

anyway, I don't mind if you decide that I can't vote, or people like me that are not map makers can't vote - it's ok really, your maps are cool anyway :)
2007, 05, 11 00:07
hey make comments and upload reps if you play games, that helps out bwm a lot, you'd be surprised. Don't have to make maps to get your vote counted :)

I didn't realize Alter.Ego was even alive, looked like a bot name or someone's fake id :) Just speak up every now and then^^
2007, 05, 11 00:14
commenting my maps = automatic counted voting, and doubled votes if you comment them positively ;)
2007, 05, 11 00:16
yes, you can easily get acknowledged as vote-worthy member if you show interest on our site and express this in a constructive way like comments/suggestions/replays/whatever feedback as player :)
2007, 05, 12 09:33
yeah i'd say any active member who contributes to the site in any way deserves a vote. have the names on a list decided by the players whose name is already on the list. no formal process necessary imo.

I do think the list should be big though, include people like sp, travin, lgi if they feel like droping in again. big enough to include me? thats up to the rest of the users. but including non mappers in the voting process could attract more members to the site, more attention to our maps, and give fresher opinions.
2007, 05, 13 19:00
Mh, I really asked myself: "WHO the f*** is this buddy, talking like he was a long time member when I have never seen him around". I'm not very pleased about your name change, you know? ;)
2007, 05, 13 19:07
How about we make a list of people whose votes don't matter, might be smaller ;)
2007, 05, 13 22:50
who is this bog monster who steals my map concept and claims to be me?!!?! i'll make sure we never see him here again.
2007, 05, 14 04:54
2007, 05, 14 13:54
i think the time is come to hear the statement of the owner about the voting's hard for me to believe he allow users to vote and in the same time he agrees that admin can ignore those votes.please can anyone contact panschk,the voting process can continue like usual.some admins have cross the line,and not for the first time.

it's also hard for me to understand why some admins let nightmarjoo/nasty turn them into marionettes and allow them to run riot.their are,if any,a small part of bwmn.some of this admins not even understand what a contest really is.surely not what we see on this site.

i think all that are active here have a right to know what are the intentions/opinions of the owner of the site,about contests.i'm also against fake votes but much more against admin abusing decisions.
2007, 05, 14 22:30
It's rather you who crosses a line than anyone else...

Panschk himself has stated multiple times that MotW was NEVER inteded to be a perfectly democratic contest. You probably weren't around at that time, it's been a while.
Panschk ALWAYS has the last say in any of these contests, but since he doesn't turn in that often anymore, the admins carry out Panschk's part.
I'm pretty sure Panschk stops by every now and then, and if it was sooooo bad what Nightmarjoo does, he would have taken actions long ago.
2007, 05, 14 22:50
that not good enough for me.either it is a majority result or a admin cant be both.

and if you are not even yet realized,in the moment it is a admin choice - in fact not a contest at all.

you told me paschk's opinion in the past,maybe when the community was smaller.i demand from him a unmistakable answer to the actual situation.

things have changed.when i look to the old motw i can say they make sense.those maps have a good quality.the actual winner dont!and that's the most important thing.
2007, 05, 14 23:06
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