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Hey guys so decided to make this thread cuz I always have questions about mapmaking but Im never sure where to ask I'll just ask them here whenever I (or any other mapper) have them so we don't clutter up map discussions and such.
2013, 03, 31 21:09
How do I make bridges like the one in Dante's Peak?
And also, my map pics are really blurry and bad quality. How do you guys get good quality ones?
modified by traceurling
2013, 03, 31 21:09
JK NegativeZero found out how tomake the Dante\\\'s Peak bridges..
Hey do any of you guys know where I can find good ramps that go down for jungle? From highdirt to what they have at 3 and 9 o clock for wind and cloud
modified by traceurling
2013, 04, 01 00:40
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2013, 04, 01 15:14

"And also, my map pics are really blurry and bad quality. How do you guys get good quality ones?"
1.)I use SCMDraft to create my picture.
2.)Then I use "Infranview" to resize it(25%), and then to adjust the colors.
3.)Then I save as a JPG and its good to go~

"Hey do any of you guys know where I can find good ramps that go down for jungle? From highdirt to what they have at 3 and 9 o clock for wind and cloud"

modified by CrystalDrag
2013, 04, 01 15:14
"How do I make [terrain type I want to use] like the one in [map that uses it]?"

I. Open [map that uses it] (unprotect first, if required, google is your friend)
II: See how [terrain type I want to use] is done (while on tileset indexed terrain palette, ctrl-leftcliick on the tiles you\'re interested in)
III. Imitate (or just copypaste what you need)
IV. If something does not fit right in your map, trial and error until it does....

"And also, my map pics are really blurry and bad quality. How do you guys get good quality ones?"
Make sure the following conditions are met:
(i)You convert images from indexed palette to full RGB colours
(ii)You scale to the right size (768 width)
(iii)You safe as a high quality jpeg

I use Gimp for everything. You could also use Photoshop, of course, but why would you do that?
It also allows you to adapt colours, contrast, lightness etc. any way you want (if you use gimp I would advocate using colours/curves, to optimize contrasts over histograms).
And you can add logos, text, drawings etc, of course...
modified by Freakling
2013, 04, 01 20:19
Finally figured out map pics :D
Why does creep sometime traverse terrain levels? I assume tile editting, but what cases?
2013, 04, 03 03:04
Traceurling, do you happen to have the fixed version that i made for Gemlong?
2013, 04, 03 14:46
If scmDraft displays a tile as buildable, it will allow creep spread. Creep spreads only horizontally and vertically, not diagonally to other tiles (so to allow creep spread the tiles must touch each other at one edge, not just at a corner). Additionally, to allow creep to spawn any buildable area must at least be 2 tiles high, because no creep will ever be spawned on a buildable tile that has an unbuildable tile directly below it.
Finally, creep spawners will always create creep on all usable areas within its reach at game start.
2013, 04, 04 13:09
How do you make Python/Tar Pit/Spider Monkey/Saryesik Atyaru symmetry maps?
2013, 04, 06 17:17
You just do. Put stuff were it needs to be, and the sum of stuff end up a map.
2013, 04, 06 17:42 I have to count tiles? Like tar pit was made with no symmetry tool aid right?
2013, 04, 06 20:34
Grids are my prefered means of keeping track of my whereabouts on a map in the editor.
modified by Freakling
2013, 04, 06 23:05
What're your guys' favorite (mostly balanced) maps on this site and why ? :)
2013, 04, 07 04:29
mine are the BWMN Tournament Maps :-)
2013, 04, 07 06:19
Crystal how long does it take you to make your profile pic a rose and add everyone
2013, 04, 09 02:57
A long time without computer :)
2013, 04, 09 04:06
what profile pic, and adding everyone where?
2013, 04, 11 11:35
Skype, where you refuse to add me.
2013, 04, 11 14:41
Sorry I didn't see that, I don't use Skype often so I usually just exit instantly when my computer starts up lol.
2013, 04, 11 21:34
my favorite map is micromalism
2013, 04, 22 04:37
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