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King of the Hill 02

deadline to enter maps: 2007, 05, 02 (Year, month, day)

There has been alot of bitching between the mapmakers at lately. Alot of random trash is being thrown around, accusing one author do be worse than the other because of various reasons. Now it is time to settle the score. Who is the best mapper?

Lets duel about it.

This competition will be a duel between two of the mapmakers currently involved in the most controvery. The contestants will be picked by me (Starparty) and they will have until 14th of april to come up with a brilliant map, following the basic rules given.

The winner of the competition will be decided by the community. If this doesnt work out, ill select one myself.

Should a player decline the challenge he will automaticly loose the contest and a new one will be selected. Should both players decline the challenge, well, suit yourself. Next time you start bitching about random stuff, know that you had the chance to prove your point - and blew it!


Second round will be held between:



-= VS =-



The maps should be 4 player maps on ice tileset with an asymmetrical layout. Best concept wins.

Go, make the best of it.


KotH01 Lancet > Nightmarjoo
KotH02 Lancet ? PsychoTemplar

Noteable loosers, quitters, chickens and other random good-for-nothings:

* boongee




NameAuthorDownloadvote(1., 2., 3. choice)
(4)SpringLancetMelee Picture55
(4)HtokforenniwPsychoTemplar (Chef@USWest)Melee Obs Picture75
The competition is closed!

Oh come on, you can hardly call that "controversy". Anyway, 15 days to make a map, wow! I will give it a try but maybe we can have some extra time, I will be "out" for a week during spring break.

Now, let me get this straight, what do you mean by "asymmetrical layout"? There can't be ANY axis of symmetry whatsoever in the map? Does this mean we can't use the mirror tool?
the mirror tool is ridicolously much forbidden. You are on the verge of getting disqualifyed for even mentioning it!
I haven't seen an asymetrical map in awhile (other than seven sins) This should be interesting.
Oh man, you are asking me to go back to the days we dwelt in caves, OK I will try. I take it no neutrals or spells either right? Mineral blocks? Just a little one?

: ^ )
i guess Starparty means maps like Luna the final and Gaia. being maps like Azalea or Arcadia totally forbiden.
nice. i want to see a ruthless and dirty fight.
what is the problem with understanding the word asymmetrical??? If you look at a human face, you see symmetry basically. Now imagine that you blow half the head of with a barrel shotgun. That's asymmetry for ya.

Both ga(y)a and Luna is very much symmetrical. The center of Ungoro is not, and that weird 7 player testbug made a while back is also asymmetrical.
modified by Starparty
Ooooh,OK now I get it. You see, you only have to say things in ways that we can relate to and understand!

OK so no symetrical maps even if you make them without the mirror tool. However, the periphery of ungoro has rotational symetry (like Faoi and Double Edge), so I take it that is not allowed either, right? These maps are asymetrical but you can use the mirror tool to make them with rotational symetry.

What about size? max 128x128? can it be rectangular say 128x96?
modified by Lancet
I hope that extra points are given for extremely assymetrical maps (similar to fantasy-style maps).

But there should be a negative impact on the score if you just copy-paste 4 maps together like in fantasy. ORIGINALITY FTW!
Ice is nice. :D
what the hell

I come to this site occasionally when I'm bored. I haven't made a map in about a year and haven't played SC in months... now I find out I'm in this thing?
yes boon, youre doomed.

size is your own choise, but remember the maps ought to be playable. So you have to fight with asymmetry versus balance.
I honestly wish I had been in this competition and not the jungle one. I can't make simple jungle maps T_T

gl boongee, lancet is loaded shotgun waiting to blow!
OK I finally came up with an idea for an asymetrical non-rotational symetry map that I like. This, of course, greatly worries me as what I like normally nobody else likes!

: ^ (
i didn't understand. did boongee accepted the challenge?
he better
hey i wanna fight!
i will eat lancet...

blargh no i wont :/
I will crush all!!!!!!!! :P
Shit, I am stuck.

: ^ (
i think i will implement a new system for the next competition forcing the contestants to make a short blognote in this forum every day of the current progress. Every daily post equals 1 point, so if both did what they were supposed to, they will have an equal score. Then the winner in the voting will win a certain amount of points. The numbers will then be matched, so if someone was lazy on reporting their progress they might loose due to having to few blog points compared to the other player.

This way there will be some more action going on in these competitions, and also much more space for drama!
But i encourage the contestants to start emediatelly even though it technically doesnt matter yet. This competition becomes what you make of it, which hopefully is the best you can.

edit: and boon, please accept or decline.
modified by Starparty
It seems that every effort I make to create a non-symetrical map creates an imbalance. Maybe that is what I am going to make and just say "tough, the real world is not balanced"
Sounds like Starparty wants something like 7sins, or fantasy.
no, i want a record deal tbh
so do i motha fucka
yea but im gonna get one sooner or later x) ill post my latest tune in the coming days to blow you away!
I got my own shit as well patna
i think boongee won't participate.
what are you doing starparty :(
cut his fookin balls off!
Making this stupid map is a surreal experience!
Spring break!
I don't really have time to do this... sorry guys
I'll fill in!!

lancet you're a faggot noob republican, koth re noob!?
ok I started a map lol
Omg, same mappers again -_-
It seems boongee has already grown up, I need to do that sometime too.

please not same mappers again ;P

how old r u?, im 15
modified by MorroW
boongee sucks. please read my new forum post.
competition postponed until further notice, please sign up in the forum thread with your name only if you wish to participate in this or any future KotH competition.

I can smurf too! Sign me up, Lancet is a noob who don't know shit about mapping, I am sure I can beat him!
Lancet vs Tecnal plz ^^
You think I can't beat that noob Tecnal?
ProtossForever, ill put you up for this round since you like this experimental shiet. y/n?
eeeeh, what is a shiet?

shit? If it's that, i'm on i like do some experimental stuff. :p
modified by ProTosS4EveR
EEEEE! Pick someone StarParty :D There's enough peoples who wanna do it now.

:o Says he already chose me on MSN. And that he asked me in the thread, but I'm not sure which thread that is. In any case I accept and I'll start working on the map when the Op post is changed.
modified by PsychoTemplar
Let me say now that I consider it an honor to be up against templar in this contest. I am well aquainted with his work and I respect his mapsmanship and creativity. This will be tough but may the best man win!
if starparty wants more experimental type stuff, lancet is going lose, and hard.
WTF? Experimental IS my middle name! Beside it is still the asymmetrical map stuff.

Hey Starparty, is the deadline still 3-30-8? Templar is just begining his map.
modified by Lancet
I hope not lol. I'm planning on starting this map Saturday, after I've written my research essay for school. I'll have finished my initial version by the end of the weekend, but that wouldn't leave me any time to test or revise.
No lancet, templar is fucking crazy. Something is wrong with him. You can't beat him in an experimental competition, because you're limited by trying to make it playable.
If this is the same PsychoTemplar I know, then yes, experimental competition you are doomed! His maps were one of the first extended terrain maps I played. I need to check out his latest madness to see what he's been up to. I'm sure a lot has changed in these past 4 years. Great maps in Dbase btw! love em.
"No lancet, templar is fucking crazy."

Oh yeah, and I am Mr. Balanced?

He is a fucking raving lunatic! Whatch out! He tried to kill me! Lancet is out of his mind! He eats fried cute little kittens for breakfast everyday and he makes me prepare them for him!

Beware of Lancet!
modified by Tecnal

Shut up Tecnal, and by the way you are a terrible cook!
modified by Lancet
im starting to think tecnal and lancet r same persons..
"Tecnal" is "Lancet" spelled backwards, Detective MorroW.
Elementary my dear Templar!

: ^ )
this is koth03 beecause boongee challenge refuse makes lancet a winner. that's what the rules says
so it should be like this:

KotH01 Lancet > Nightmarjoo
KotH01 Lancet > boongee
KotH03 Lancet ? PsychoTemplar
it was just a joke, thoughtful PsychoTemplar ^^

KotH02 Lancet > boongee*
Whoa... I'm like some sort of squid thing.
starpartypooper is epic with pictures
nice picture man :D
hehe, nice one :)
is this competiton frozen? when will we see any advance of the maps? :S
My map is almost ready, I am just trying to "understand" it so I can make the final adjustments but for some reason this has proven very hard.
well no1 can accuse you of being quick :p
well no1 can accuse you of being quick :p
10 days left
Can't even start till the 10th because I've got Essays, but do not fear, I will deliver :)
I will post my map this weekend, I'm pretty tired of it already and I'm going to be asked to edit it anyway.
so we'll have psychoTemplar's 5 made-in-5-days-map vs Lancet's made-in-5-months-map
The Map making process

1 week: Dream the map

2 week: make the map

3 week: the map acquires a life of its own and soon things start spinning out of control. The map tries to control you and muddle your thoughts trying to hide its true essence. You fight back and try to edit it back into submission.

4 week: you and the map fight each other to a stalemate but amids the despair and the confusion you finally gain the upper hand and reign in the beast.

5 week: you heal your wounds, give your map the finishing touches and proudly unleash your creation into the world!

next day: people tell you that it's unbalanced and it sucks.

: ^ (
The Map Making Process

Day 1: Masturbate

Day 2: Masturbate

Day 3: Masturbate

Day 4: Masturbate

Day 5: Make the map

Next day: Masturbate
LOL! well, that goes without saying.

: ^ )
so this is the reason why testbug named his map burning penis?
hahaha obviously ^^
"Burning Penis" was Crackling's map (it used to be called "Burning Love").
are there any female mapmakers on this site?
Maybe they do show up every now and then but we probably shock them away.

: ^ (
3 days left o_O, will lancet just glide through this round too?
Cenerae was female, but she hasn't been active in over a year as far as I know.
I should probably get started, huh? ;) ;)
2 days left
You can cut the tension with a knife!
1day left
I think I'll pretty much be satisfied if I can swing one vote my way :)
I like lancet's map better btw, despite my vote.
I think Htokforenniw is more "asymmetrical" than Spring. Though Spring over all might be a better map just to play.
I don't know how it's tied with 3 votes his way, and 2 votes my way, but this pleases me.
Because you can vote the second map as second or third place or none at all in which case it will get 3, 1 or 0 points, respectively.

Hey man, we are neck and neck!
you get 5, 3 and 1 respectively.
i don't think psychotemplar can win, so if he does, i'll be in the next king of the hill allright!
If the competition is for asymmetrical maps again, you are correct ;)

Then again, KotH is too much pressure, maybe it's best I lose :)
why is it able to choose 3., that only gives less points than 2. right?
OK Templar, thanks for voting for my map, I voted for yours. Glad we got that out of the way.
hahaha testbug :)
Spring is fairly standard, making it more "playable", but the rules don't say that the map has to be balanced or standard at all. In fact, you can construe the rules to want a more nonstandard map through assymetry.
Htokforenniw is actually more assymetrical. You can play almost exactly the same on spring for each position, just adapting to the slightly different expo layout. However, in Htokforenniw, you have to completely change your play based on what position you and your opponent get.

.......................(>') Pacman
In Htokforenniw red's ramp dts don't all appear.

Htokforenniw is the better choice because it is more unique than Spring. We saw in lancet's map vs faoi that the more unique map won, not necessarily the better map; so Starparty must want more unique maps.
Htokforenniw is inherently the winner for the KOTH competition. Its name is proof. Also it is more asymetrical. Pacman, your mom is assymetrical if you know what I mean.
LOL! I don't remember ever hearing about these posters before and they all showed up in mass today (around 7:30 PM EST, 4-16-08) within a very close interval of time. I logged in and checked here and my map was winning, then I made comments to the maps "Backdooru" and "Balderdash" and cheked here again and these characters had shown up and voted for Htokforenniw.

I checked the user list in the PM section and all these user IDs were created a while ago one after the other.

Professor~Oak 917
Pacman 918
Electric-Spider 919
Chaucer 920

Hey, if templar defeats me fair and square it's OK with me and I like Templar's map (although I obviously think mine is better). However losing to fraudulent votes is not my idea of losing.
modified by Lancet
"In Htokforenniw red's ramp dts don't all appear."

That's not even true. I even just checked both versions.

I won't lie, my map sucks. I guess someone thought it would be lols to make it win though. I'm guessing he'll reveal himself soon enough. Probably Nightmarjoo.
"In Htokforenniw red's ramp dts don't all appear."
watch the replay I uploaded oO
I did... If I remember correctly, he built a cannon at the bottom of the ramp and killed the DTs so his probe could get in. So I don't know WTF you're talking about.
its not like it matters anyway lancet. in terms of declaring the winner i couldnt care less about the votes. I just like to make people believe they got something to say muhahahahaha
It's your competition and how you decide the winner is your call. But in principle voting is serious stuff and an attempt to manipulate it is very reprehensible.

In case anyone doubts that these 4 voters are a fake, their comments also were made in the same order they were created, see above.

Templar's guess that our fraud poster is Nightmarjoo is very interesting.

Chaucer's comment above regarding Pacman's post:

"Pacman, your mom is assymetrical" is a signature Nightmarjoo comment. In the map thread to "Citlaltepetl" he replied "your mom's a volcano" to one of my posts and in his April Fools newspost thread he replied "Your mom is reall excessive" to a comment by Templar.

Also after Templar suggested in his post above that it was Nightmarjoo he did not even deny it.

Is it you Nightmarjoo?

: ^ (

modified by Lancet
Wow! and now old "granny in a wheelchair" has also voted, LOL! OK who's next folks?

Oh I know, potential, Cucdas, Control, herb and
In all fairness, I don't believe Bunsen Honeydew is a real person either :) Even if he has a map.
Well then what do we do? How do we tease out the originals from the fakes? I can also add "chard" and "cctv" to the list, they are very recent and have no maps and very few thread posts. Of course they can just be recent honest posters. At least Bunsen Honeydew does have a map and I have seen his posts every now and then but then it can be claimed that somebody did that just to have an alias to vote with.

So far at least there is enough evidence that, Professor~Oak, Pacman, Electric-Spider and Chaucer are fakes.

This joke (if that is what anyone wants to call it) is doing a tremendous damage to this web-site. The person(s) responsible for this just have a total disregard for us and BWMN.
Bunsen Honeydew is just such a retarded name that I don't believe it. chard and cctv are fairly believable.

And it actually doesn't matter. StarParty already said he just chooses the winner himself. It's kinda lame, but it's really not that big a deal :P
lol lancet why are you freaking out? It's not like the obviously fake voters' votes are ever taken seriously. Chaucer, Electric-Spider, pacman, and Professor~Oak are of course mine, but I thought everyone knew that already, from motm 8 or so oO

chard isn't fake, he's ReallyanusnUb, (4)burning tides and some other shitty map here is his, he's my friend and recently has been playing bwm maps with me.

I have no clue who cctv is.

old granny in a wheelchair is obviously real. Where is littleboymeetsrapist? I miss him :(
Starparty chooses map, this has been declared by starparty himself not a serious competition, and you can clearly see who voted and discount them -.-

your mom is doing trmendous damage to this web-site and has total disregard for us and bwmn.
Bunsen Honeydew
@PsychoTemplar To you its Dr. Bunsen Honeydew.

I'm new at this site, yet I have been reading some of the map discussions for some time now and have been using a lot of the great maps here. Imho some of the users here are beyond childish, and it was sad to see LGI go because of that. I bet that other potential good mapmakers are long gone too because of this.

I did not know they were fakes and probably many others. Would you have admited they were fakes if I had not "outed" you out? You are an admin, you are held up to higher standards and here you are sabotaging the voting of a competition (the fact that Starparty does not give a shit is irrelevant). I mean man, what do you respect here?

Well I know for sure that if you make a newpost that says "stop the nightmarjoo abuse" you will get kicked of this web-site. So you see this is not a joke, that is at least one rock solid principle that is respected here (and that presumably would apply to everyone else). I just wonder if there are any other things that are not jokes or can't be turned into jokes.

As far as I am concerned Starparty can name Templar KOTH I don't complain about losing, I take my loses like a man and I learn from them, that is not the issue, read the KOTH rules.

"The winner of the competition will be decided by the community. If this doesnt work out, ill select one myself."

So how can "the community" have a chance to decide who's the winner (without Starparty stepping in) if you have fakes votes? Sure we know some are fakes but what what about others? What are we to do when an admin displays this sort of behavior?

Am I overreacting? Am I making too much of an "inocent" joke? Should I "cool" down? Or the more important question: what other option do I have considering that nobody gives a damn?

I guess I will eh? So be my guest vote early and vote often.

: ^ (
imo you are overreacting to a joke, as I said above I thought everyone already knew they were joke-vote-names I made months ago -.- they were clearly mine then too oO

No one kicked LGI, he left on his own accord.

No one is sabotaging the competition -.-

Seriously the names don't even try to be serious rofl
Lancet clearly needs to stop sticking his Bible up his ass.
Actually, I'm an atheist.
Atheist Bible then perhaps? ;)
i actually agree with lancet in most points. i dont think he is making a chicken out of a feather if you look at the principles he is pointing out. The lack of respect and discipline from some admins on this site occasionally suprises me too. Yes this is "our" house, just like belongs to manifesto7, but a fairly basic rule if you want to run a community (correct me if im wrong) is to make people come to your site, not run away from it because they get treated like idiots.

When i make a more serious comeback with mcn, im gonna go berzerk if this shit tags along to that site and probably kick people with that behavior out permanently (should panschk reinstate me with that kind of authority).
"There has been alot of bitching between the mapmakers at lately"

haha this is what this competition seems to be about, is it not?
Feel free to point out otherwise, but I feel I try my best do keep people in the site, and a flow of people coming into the site. I advertise everywhere, and I try to give the new mappers' maps my best analysis and tips on how to improve, being generally as friendly as well as professionally as possible.
I give fewer in-depth analysises of the better mappers' maps, as I think they know most of what I'd say anyway, and also if they need my help they know they can ask of me my opinion in the matter and I'll do my best. The newer guys of course don't know who or what to look for to help them out.
I know that when I was new I only saw unfriendly comments, that were generally not helpful. LGI was actually the person who first tried to be helpful, in his comments on some desert map with Dune in its name, which someone apparently has deleted -.- I try to pay him back by being as helpful as I can to the newer guys.

The people who've been here a while, those who I've come to know through playing sc, mapping with, giving and recieving feedback on maps, and many other friendly exchanges, as well as professional arguments, and outright personal flame wars, I'm far more laid-back with them. I joke with them in my many ways, and love mocking and satirizing everything I can. I had lost faith in the voting system long ago, and though it has come back on track, I won't ever lose my low opinion of it, and will take any opportunity I can to make fun of it, as a joke among people who see where I'm coming from in making fun of it.
If you notice, the people who're making a fuss out of this are lancet and Starparty, the former who wasn't a member of the site during the big voting fiasco stuff, and the latter who I believe was inactive then. The only comment Starparty made during the whole Desert Flower ordeal was something on the lines of "I thought this was the kind of map you guys were always trying to make" or so, which wasn't recieved well by the older community.
I'll know I've stepped too far in my joking when flothefreak says something about it. I'd say Nastymarine, but he usually has a stick up his ass when it comes to arguments with me.

tl;dr You're taking this too seriously and lack the insight on where I'm coming from to understand why I'd do this.

Nothing malicious is going on, so there isn't a problem. There is no lack of respect or discipline here -.-
read your post again and tell me it wasnt the most contradictory thing you ever read?

anyways, im just gonna drop it. it feels like im just adding to what i want to prevent.
sp - you can remain true to the previous rule if you consider only the "true" votes;from those which we know they aren't fakes.also the second vote doesn't make sense at all in a contest with 2 map.

shame on you nmjoo ... why tf you started with that bullshit at all? this is a stupid way to entertain yourself,for sake!
well maybe only admins should be able to decide which map win?(or for this comp just SP)

i have the same oppinion for MOTM at all...
i dont wanna be rude or say that this people are sth worse than me or someone else but when i see completly NEW sc players/mappers (well for example illisid) which have no clue of both mapmaking and gaming are allowed to vote in MOTM i just get kind of mad lol.

I really don't wanna say that we/me are better as a person but having FAR more _knowledge_ we can make better decisions.

Or we need to have some kind of _test_ or whatever after which we can say "yea he is ready for voting"
well when i often see some theorycrafting here i dont even bother to comment because of all the (well i wont call it stupidity) >NONKNOWLEDGE<

and additionally i think that before any of you should be able to vote for a map he should upload at least one replay of playing it >.<
just take a look at the current MOTM and see people voting for my own map Whoosh, if they'd have played it they woulndt vote for it lol -.-
modified by Crackling
Crackling, illisid asked me to remove his map from the competition, at least he was honest. You, on the other hand, a self described good player and mapper, have allowed one of your maps that you consider bad to remain in the competition and get votes? Sorry bud but as far as I am concerned illisid has the upper hand on you (hell please don't remove it know, it has votes).

But I will reiterate my question, what is not a joke here or should not be turned into a joke?

When Crackling replaced the picture in a map by a new mapper (Nyx) with a cat saying "Booh" he was so freaked out that he deleted the whole map thread by mistake. Even since this Nyx has never shown up again.

New mappers are bad? Yes, heeeeeellloooooo, that is why they are "NEW", it is out job to make them better, we should not get mad at them or tamper with their maps making fun of them.

Much in the same way that you DONT make a newspost that says "Stop the Nightmarjoo abuse" I want to submit to you that we also should NOT post fake votes or tamper with other people's maps and competitions "as a joke".

And hell, I don't disagree with joking, I like to joke around a lot.

Lancet is an asshole, don't listen to him!
modified by Tecnal

See what I mean?

But let's just accept that, appart from not making a newspost that says "Stop the Nightmarjoo abuse" we are also going to respect some other stuff here like maps and votes.


: ^ (
modified by Lancet
This kind of stuff is what makes BWM awesome, keep it coming! ^^
Hmm crackling I understand where you are coming from, but mind if I argue with you?

I DO know what makes a good map. Admittedly, I have a hard time recreating this in my own maps, and in my games, but I know how to judge others' maps. I played yours a few times, along with half the maps in the competition, either with people or comps, I just didn't upload replays. These replays would not be helpful. The ones I watched of your map looked great, and I believe it is the best. Im kinda surprised youre arguing with me :S

Though I can understand the idea of maybe having a restriction on votingˇK the idea comes along of someone saying "ooh this map is shiney! Ill vote for it!" but there would be no reliable way to determine who is eligible to vote.

No offense taken on your comment of me though :) I know where youre coming from and you didn't mean it offensively.

modified by illisid
lancet the "Stop Nightmarjoo abuse" wasn't a joke, LGI was being serious.

I can't believe you'd take the fake vote things in this competition seriously. The competition isn't serious, the vote doesn't matter, and in general nothing is taking itself seriously here, so I don't know why you're taking it seriously. I can understand you getting your panties in a ball over the fake voters in motm, but not this, seriously.

Crackling I liked Whoosh when I played it with you (even if it was 4 am my time, and god know's what your time (probably 9am? lol)) :(
You mind going on record (so to speak), and telling them I had nothing to do with this, Nightmarjoo?

I'm starting to think this is going to make me look really bad =/
templar had nothing to do with my decision to use the fake vote accounts.

I stated above I believe lancet's map is better (in that it's more standard, easier to play) imo, but I didn't want to see Spring win by a landslide, the way lancet's map did in the koth I was in. My map was shit sure, but I had definitely put effort and time into the map, so it was sad to see no one like any aspect of the map. I of course got past this very quickly once testbug showed me the map was improvable, and the map got into iccup, etc. templar's map won't get any reprieval, and I'm sure Spring will win the vote despite the fake votes.
I think the only saving grace in my map was the interesting main/nat setup, but that that concept is really better suited for a symmetrical map. Still, at least one or two real voters genuinely liked my map for that reason, which is better than I expect.

I'm not going to feel bad about losing this. Lancet worked a lot harder on his map, and he deserves it more. It's not as if it's a blow to my self-esteem, and I have plenty of legitimate enough excuses for not being able to pull it off. I feel a little bad that I couldn't give a better performance, since I'm letting the spirit of this competition down, but honestly it's not going to eat me up inside (not while I've got the rest of my life to worry about).

So yeah.. I'm sorry I didn't put up a better fight, and you deserve more respect than that, but sometimes life just gets in the way and it becomes too inconvenient to make StarCraft a serious part of my schedule. Maybe I'll challenge you to a rematch in another competition and give you a better run for your money (Idea: Mappers should challenge other mappers and run 1 on 1 competitions).

Oh god, there's so much drama lol :)
lancet i didnt say that all new members are bad or whatever you tried to make it sound like but just that they lack expirience/knowledge

well about whoosh i didnt care since noone else noticed the flaws in it, i'm also planing some kind of update but thats not on topic t_t

illisid i'm glad you didnt see any offence towards you in my post :D
but still i'd say that you _dont_ know what makes a map good/playable, i refer in this to your comments telling how to improve some maps...again, no offence lol:D

well lancet

"And hell, I don't disagree with joking, I like to joke around a lot.

Lancet is an asshole, don't listen to him!
modified by Tecnal

See what I mean?"

is like the biggest fail ever OMG

awwwwwwwwww i challenge lancet for a Bo9!!!

goaaak goaaaak goaaaaaaaaaaak
modified by Crackling
"is like the biggest fail ever OMG"

Don't wanna hurt your feelings, Lancet, but you need to stop doing that.
LOL! To quote Nightmarjoo: "you guys obviously don't understand a joke" to which I will add "a legitimate joke".

: ^ )


1) Yes what LGI did was serious, if it had been intended as a joke (and testbug suggested it was) it would have still been considered serious, that was my point.

2) Oh yes, I take this stuff seriously and it doesn't take a leap of the imagination to see how a fake vote here could also be a fake vote in MOTM or MOTY.

3) Finally, stop this bullshit about pre-Testbug Faoi, it was not a great map but it was a good map. I have told you this before in a PM and I will repeat it here now. You know so much about what makes a good map that you basically drive yourself to innaction or to berate everything you make. Learn to like your maps even if they are not "perfect".

Templar: in all fairness I started my map way before yours (against boongee) so I had a running start. By the time I posted it, it had gone through about 30 versions & edits, although I did post it a week before the deadline.

Crackling: you are also an asshole!
modified by Tecnal
hmm well in the 'latest updated maps' on the side, i only have comments in 2 of them (besides mine)

one (artefact) says it looks cool, the middle was silly, and noticed a difference between the two bases.

in the other (ashlar) i suggested how to make the high bridge a high bridge, told him to widen the pathways, and suggested there be ramps to his high bridge.

i fail to see how this demonstrates a lack of understanding. i cant really remember what was in the othe maps i commented on, but i dont think these suggestions are bad, do you?
modified by illisid

hah and im not even the only person who voted your map the best. looks like nightmarjoo voted for it too :S
modified by illisid
i don't understand why is lancet talking about me in his last post xD
and of course we all kno chauser, electric spider, oak and pacman are nightmarjoo's joke accounts ¬¬
Epic win.
Chard, why is it "epic"? Testbug, I was referring to a comment you made in one of the threads regading LGI's post.
on a steel horse I ride
lancet's pic went down oO
fuck where can i vote for nightmarjoo
Lancet, how isn't it epic?!
Me winning by two points (but probably more, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean? of course you do, LOL!) is not epic.

: ^ )
hey starparty, what are you waiting for?
i would like tor un my own king of the hill like competition, since i'm not an active mapper but i check dairly :P
the photoshop mood obviously.
what? :S
No progress can be made until Starparty has an epic "lancet raping templar" image, duh.
Even if you discount Nightmarjoo's 5 fake accounts, it's still 50-50 o.o Just a matter of StarParty's swing vote, which isn't necessarily in Lancet's favour. Of all the people who could possibly appreciate my main base concept, I think it would be StarParty :) It just depends if he really had Fantasy style maps in mind, or if he wanted something more retarded :)
modified by PsychoTemplar
5 fake? I only have 4 oO electric-spider, chaucer, pacman, professor~oak
Well, If Granny is legit, then I'm winning by 4 points :)
Sorry, I just don't trust the voting when it has been made clear it is a joke, also several people may have refrained from voting for the same reason.

: ^ (
dont worry, i have decided a winner for this and behold - i even have a motivation...

It will be declared when im not so damn busy with my work. In photoshop ofc.
"Sorry, I just don't trust the voting when it has been made clear it is a joke, also several people may have refrained from voting for the same reason."
Oh, BS. Same people who voted in this are the regular voters in MOTM. I don't see anyone missing. Even Granny in a Wheelchair votes in MOTM. I guarantee you would not say the same thing if you were winning by a landslide.

"dont worry, i have decided a winner for this and behold - i even have a motivation..."
I hope that motivation doesn't involve demonizing me. I think I've been punished enough by getting turned into a squid (THE LOWEST OF GOD'S CREATURES) with bad acne and holes in his face.
Templar, I am a man of honor, yes I would have complained if they had voted for me. The other stuff you said is not accurate. Just compare the people that voted in last KOTH with those that voted in this KOTH and draw your own conclusions.

But nuff said, Starparty will chose.

And squids are quite exceptional creatures btw.
The first koth had more attention, and hence more votes.

granny is fake I assume, but isn't mine. It voted for desert flower a long time ago for motw lol.
lol templar look at lancet's pic, it's hardly flattering.
hey templar! lancet's pic has more acne than yours. and squids are quite exceptional creatures btw ;)
Let me just go on record and say "FUCK SQUIDS!"
Squid Lyrics
Artist: Zox
Album: Take Me Home

It's friday night
I'm tired of searching for this life
The week's been cruel to me
I just want to feel alright
And all over town the word's been going around
Where I want to be
Is wherever you'll be found

Mmm Hmm
And now it takes up nearly all of my time
Oh and I need
I need some way
I need some way to get you off my mind

Oh cause sometimes when you get close to me
It brings me close to heaven
But I can't get in
Ah No no no
And the more you shy away from me
To search for something better
It hurts me slow
And I don't know
Cause I'm the squid

And now all this time I wait for you to realize
I'll treat you lovingly
Oh open up your eyes
And once again I say I need you my friend
Touch your lips to me
I'll be your cigarette

You know I love you so
But I don't know
And I won't know
Exactly where we're gonna go
Gonna go, no

Cause sometimes when you get close to me
It brings me close to heaven
But I can't get in
Ah no no no
And the more you shy away from me
To search for something better
It hurts me slow
I still don't know
Cause I'm the squid
See, that song is basically saying the squid is the guy nobody likes; ie the lowest of God's creatures.
wtb inspiration
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