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Testbug | | | This website makes me infinitely happy. Bwmn is my home. modified by Testbug | crackling | | | nice map | Testbug | | | modified by Testbug | Testbug | | | Version 1.7:
1.7 Changelog, 08/03/2023:
- Tighter Ramps (can now be blocked with 2 zlots)
- Added double gas expos at corners.
- High ground expos are safe against Siege Tanks.
- Optimized the regions above mains ramps and at th bottom of main ramps, to improve reaver range.
- Optimized Mineral gathering at mains.
- Reduced the area of the Basilica wall used nat chokes.
- Siege tanks can now hit stationary defense at nats, but cannot hit workers.
- Now Terran cannot wall the nats with barracks, supply, supply.
- In this version, main ramps are now facing the middle of the map, like in the original (2)Paranoid android.
- Added a doodad on the high ground expos to prevent workers from being tanked by siege tanks camping in the lowground.
- Balanced nat to nat distances. Close positions are now 26 seconds long.
modified by Testbug | Testbug | | | Version 1.7f Changelog, 09/03/2023:
- Changed mineral formations at mains. Now every start location is facing the edge of the map. It's now wasier to make a pylon prision for probes. And the 4 main bases are now equally vulnerable to mutas.
- Removed some doodads at mains that were used to optimize mineral fields in the previous version.
- Removed almost all the unwalkable tiles under the mineral fields at mains and nats, so players can build in those areas once minerals are mined out. | Testbug | | | Version 1.7g Changelog, 09/03/2023:
- Fixed a tank hole caused unintentionally during the 1.7f update. modified by Testbug | Testbug | | | Version 1.8 Changelog, 15/03/2023:
- Fixed gathering issues at mains.
- Moved one ramp from the bottom right high ground expo.
- Thanks j0j0 for helping with gathering issues. | addressee | | | Why name god love his children its true but what meaning? | Kroznade | | | Well, no one's gonna think of these names so quickly! modified by Kroznade | Testbug | | | Paranoid Android is the name of a song.
That song ends with the sentence "God loves his children, God loves his children, yeah". | Testbug | | | Version 1.9 Changelog, 17/04/2023:
- Fixed a critical error at the 6 o'clock nat. Gas Geyser was misplaced. modified by Testbug |
| Replays
--standardmodel vs iluvorange(1on1, 1.16) --crackling(char) vs Panzer!(1on1, 1.16) --crackling(char) vs -PanicAttack-(1on1, 1.16) -- vs MrThang(1on1, 1.16) --SCRVN vs TrangXinh(1on1, 1.16) --MrThang vs [nG]kiCk(1on1, 1.16) --SCRVN vs [nG]kiCk(1on1, 1.16)
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