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Last update for (2)Chilling Heights v1.1 : 2023, 12, 24 13:20
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4982 (2)Chilling Heights v1.1 otherClipse2.6betaground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

So a few things to note:
- map size is 128x104
- the centre area between the outpost and water is filled with vision blocking doodads

Really cool!

Love that it's not on jungle. The tree clumps look great from the pic. The layout reminds me of Ride of Valkyries.

One concern that sticks out for me is the possibility of tanks lining up in the main along the thin wall next to the natural being super strong.
Thanks :)

As for the tanks, I'm going to thicken that wall slightly and move the natural choke up 2 tiles to keep it the same size. Will probably upload the update later today or tomorrow depending on how things go.
Add a base at the very top. Otherwise, that is just wasted space no one will battle for.
I know that grey high ground is unbuildable but there are some snowish metal titles that blend well and then you can add some high ground snow for the buildable high ground base
You mean add a base at the top middle, where the high outpost is now?
modified by Clipse
I see that this map is a lot about experimenting with some of the more unusual terrain types, including the typical hazards of such undertakings – not all of it seems to make a whole lot of sense from a tactical and layout perspective and tanks seem overly strong because of all the cliffs.

Are you still within the 500 map sprite limit?
Are there no tank holes in those forest areas?
You should also get rid of most of the straight lines, which make the map look very unnatural.
Yeah this map was in many ways about trying to find a use for outpost/high outpost terrain.

The map is pretty much at the sprite limit, but not over it.

As I built the forest areas using 100% impassable + vision blocking tiles and was careful adding in the tree doodads later there aren't any tank holes.

I'll try to do something about the straight lines in terrain transitions in future updates to the map.

Beyond that I'll have a look at redoing the high ground areas at the top of the map and maybe fitting in a base at the top middle or find some other way to make the area more relevant...
With this layout, you could use upper Snow cliff edges to blend High Snow into Outpost with more or less satisfying results, I think, to make some high ground expansions along the upper edge.

--SCRVN vs Alyosha...(1on1, 1.15)

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