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Last update for (2)Bridges to Ridges : 2013, 08, 16 15:27
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4671 (2)Bridges to Ridges 128*96Veezal2.4betaground

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

I seriously don't know what's up with the thumbnail over there :p. Uhm, was working on this at the same time as the other one after looking at it for a while i realize that the deco at the bottom is very stiff and strait edged and I'm going to have to edit that later. The map isn't done yet, there is still decoration I need to add which is really the last last step, but I'm putting at places where all the terrain editing is done. In that big area between the natural and the other 2 bases I plan to put a little bit of terrain to not make it so open there. I want to curve that bridge ramp near the bottom a little more though its kind of just a strait line and it hurts to look at, but really if I can't get the look and effect of a bridge that morphs into a ramp then I'll scrap it and just make a ramp there and disconnect it from the bridge altogether. The minerals on the ramp at the back of the mains are 6 of them at 16 minerals each. I want that back to be a safe place for drops early on during early game but late game something that can punish that middle expansion right there. there are holes with doodads covering them so I think you can see through to the mineral line, but I haven't game tested that part yet because I'm tired right now lol. Also the mid I want to text in game and then I'll re-post about what I see once I text it. The barracks in the middle is at 100% hp, I want that to be a ramp that is used to help protect that expo right there as well as create places to flank and such in the late game, the reason I went with a barrack instead of minerals is to help prevent that path issue. All the other barracks are at 75% hp, makes it easier for terran and protoss to get their bases against any early aggression from cheesy builds and still have a chance for late game. The grass in the middle of the ruins is not build-able land but units can walk over it.

I'm going to edit the terrain enough so that it looks similar on both sides, and is fair for both sides as well but so that it doesn't look mirrored and overall just better once the entire project is finished.

I really want to know how to edit the image coloration or what coloration effect should I use to make the map really pop and standout like how they do in all the other popular mappers maps.

Overall it's not done, but I wanted to do something a little different but isn't to far off from most classic 2 spawn location maps. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged on how to improve the map and later possible help with decoration as I am new and I do not quiet have an I for that thing yet.

Soooo Yeah, Thank you very much reader/viewer/contributor.
Ello, welcome to BWMN :)
1sr, I really like the idea with the backdoor drop places, as I did that myself long ago

However, currently the picture suggesr that the closer route would be through the top expansion.
I think the bridges should be shrinked to standard, and then widen the center bridges more
yiu may also want to shrink the brdiges to standard for the corner expansion, 3 ways into it cannot be very good for z.
And Barracks with deducted hp will not work in a melee game, you should try to use sprite stasis prisons, as they do not have gaps and also are not reparAble
Also make sure that the nat is not clirrable in anyway :)

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