JungleTerrain | | |
Havent made a map in awhile, so here's a new one
Currently, i'm mostly worried that the map will be split too easily, as in Blue Storm.
Is this map too terran friendly because of ez bases and harassability of the minonly or not?
Any suggestions, comments, criticisms? |
JungleTerrain | | |
Decoration not done
And yes the picture quality sucks. modified by JungleTerrain |
Kinosjourney | | |
Nice map :) |
LasTCursE | | |
Very interesting map you god there ;p love that ice middle thing :D seems kinda tight in some parts to me tho.. and some things don't look like they belong in the spot they are in but otherwise it's good has potential ;p (too lazy to write in the moment about why or what lol) modified by LasTCursE |
JungleTerrain | | |
yay! vague criticisms! woohoo! |
JungleTerrain | | |
its cool, i would like more input tho :P
Oh and i noticed that the gas expo in the mid of bottom half of map has 6 mineral patches while its top counterpart has 7. Ignore this, it should be 7 mineral patches. modified by JungleTerrain |
LasTCursE | | |
Here is with i ment explained + picture |
LasTCursE | | |
If you gonna keep the high ground expos you should
Rotate them (next to the wall like the corner ones)
Move them a bit so they don't intercept units
Make the corner ones with less value
Remove entirely the OutPost thing.. (may be keep a SMALL part of it just for deco)
And may be if you have good terrain blending skills make that space behind the ramps in the corner that's between the corner expo's and the main unwalkable (High Snow to Outpost is what i had i mind) but you can find a different way if you gonna do it..
ofcourse that's my thoughts, not my map ;p modified by LasTCursE |
coV | | |
i like your thoughts LastCurse except the 3rd nat. |
LasTCursE | | |
(idea came from tau cross about the third) you have to have a 3rd gas somewhere nearby and that one in the middle that has no protection at all will be canceled,destroyed or never build in almost any game.. it's safer to run behind to the one with the small ramp.. (which is hard to defend cuz it's a mile away from your army :
that's why i suggested it ; |
JungleTerrain | | |
cool suggestions i love it :P
I thought about the third gas thing, but I was thinking that the third, if it had a gas, would be too easy for a terran to get, kinda like in othello, although even easier.
The ramp is ugly lol and i'd have to spend some time making a new one(the vertical one).
I can blend the space u were talken about Lastcurse, so ill prolly do that.
Ill be updating this soon, so be ready to theorycraft once more. Thanks Lastcurse! |
JungleTerrain | | |
-Added gas to 3rd.
-Slightly modified the cliff behind the 3rd.
-Removed gas from middle, exposed 4th.
-Removed 1 mineral patch from middle, exposed 4th, which now has 6 min patches.
-Added new and "prettier" looking vertical ramps.
-Removed 1 mineral patch from corner expos, leaving it with 7 mineral patches.
-Removed High Outpost on the High ground expo and modified the expo altogether, although still has same # of mineral patches and same gas value.
-Removed a little bit of High ground from the sides. |
JungleTerrain | | |
What do you guys think about the gas expo on the high ground? Should I put it more in the middle of the platform(not the corner expo, the one above/below it)? Is it too vulnerable and hard to secure?
Still haven't done terrain blending, and decoration is still not finished. Thanks for the comments and keep 'em coming! modified by JungleTerrain |
LasTCursE | | |
ah nice update! =]
i think you should leave where it is now it fits well there and it's kinda of like Destination in some way.. but to be more valuable it has to have more resourses from the corner ones cuz it's much harder to defend it (something like corner 6 min it 8 or 7)
and one thing that i just now saw is that you can make the main or nat choke a little bit smaller so it's easyer for players to defend cuz they both are wide now (take tau for example big nat door but small main one or battle royale which is the oposite tight nat door big main one) modified by LasTCursE modified by LasTCursE |
JungleTerrain | | |
yeah, nice suggestions and thanks for the comments.
I'll be updating soon |
JungleTerrain | | |
im back and ill prolly start workin on this again |
freakling | | |
(see GMCS) |