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Last update for (4)Azuria : 2010, 01, 15 10:05
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3982 (4)Azuria 128*128Phy2.6finalground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)



gas issue..

and pathing maybe?
modified by Gnom
Previously known as Sapphire. Besides the obvious abundance of strategical options, this map is designed with a need to secure gas in mind. The main provides 5000 gas, while the nats only supply 3000. Both yield full resource counts. The quasi-island expansions on top and bottom yield 1000 gas and 1000 minerals per patch. The four side expansions yield 1500 gas each and 1000 mins per patch. The two central-side expansions yield full resources counts and 3000 gas. Finally, what is supposed to be of great importance in this map, the two central gas expansions yeild two geysers with 3000 gas each. No barriers are stacked, and the bottom and top quasi-islands expos are blocked very lightly by neutral cannons. The mineral fields blocking the side entrance to the mains have 10 0-count mineral stacks (10 per stack, 2 stacks). The very very center diamond cliffs (not the ramped ones) are intraversable by any ground units, but there is space left just behind the geysers for drops and defense. Each nat has just enough space behind the minerals for 4 cannon/turrets, with adequate room also for powering pylons. Although many other map details exist, they should be apparent from the jpeg. Feedback??
Essentially, the map is designed for forced aggressive expansion in mid-late game, with several strategical assault and defense options. Gnom, after reading the gas info above, do you still believe gas problem? If so, that is kind of the point of the map: get that gas!
interesting but it's tight and positional imbalanced with gas issue :(
I understand that it is not as open in the central area as most typical maps, however it appears to me that it promotes adequate motion in any direction. Could someone help me understand "positional imbalanced with gas issue"? That's too vague for me to interpret. Please only respond to gas situation after reading the details in my past comments.
The gas in the mains either needs to be to the north or the west. The other directions mine significantly slower.

You can
I was unaware. I thought the only specification toward gas was the distance, linearity, and obstruction due to add-ons.
In the mains you have to put the gas on top or right of the player starting position.. :)

and Positional imbalanced meens it's all made by mirror and that makes some distances shorter than others.. (besides using mirror only to make a map it will always result in looking bad..)

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