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Last update for (4)Eiyuu Ou : 2009, 11, 21 04:29
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3922 (4)Eiyuu Ou otherneobowman2.5betaground

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (8 elements)

Another rare map by neobowman. The high ground behind natural is blocked by 10 stacked 0 mineral blocks. The high ground overlooking the natural is a bit big so an idea I'm thinking of implementing is to make the third gas an island expansion and add a mineral only to where the path to the third would be. I'll be making minor edits depending on how testing for distance and main size goes.

The map turned out pretty damm standard. A lot like my other cookie cutter maps but I was going for something unique. Meh.
You should remove highground bit at the 2nd expantions. Also make the iner and outer ramp larger in the middle.
Overal i like layout with the middle high ground however i think it can be a trouble with tanks :(
how do you make your pics this clean?
The high ground is unbuildable so tanks shouldn't be too much trouble. Ramps aren't as small as they look on the pic. Flanking is relatively easy here so push shouldn't be too big of a problem. If I remove the highgound bits, the expansion will become too open imo. Might need to make it harder to get but I think the distance from the main makes it plenty hard already.

Microsoft Picture Editor.
nice map
id never want to be terran on this map
Put a min only on the highground next to the nats.
Make pictures clean:

Program: InfranView
Tool: Auto Adjust Color
Imo, a mineral only at the highground will make it even easier for terran. I easy even easier because it's already relatively easy for Terran to secure 3 gas. The 3rd base can be defended by tanks on the highground like in destination.
but imagine trying to move out for terran. on this map itd be kinda hard if the other player is good
But Terran drop harass is quite doable on this map, and might I add effective. LT high ground makes it easy for tanks to attack on the natural below.
1 tank and 2 vultures in a dropship and you can secure the LT high ground pretty easily.

and "on this map itd be kinda hard if the other player is good"@sWaGu - Isn't that true on every map? If you try to push out against Bisu as terran, it would be just as hard here as in andromeda, with the undeniable factor of map variability, of course.
not much map here ._>
Map size is 128x112, right?
@jungle terrain-it is true but if both players have about the same skill this map would allow the toss to attack from anywhere once the terran moves out.
So do most maps lol
not really. alot of maps are pretty straightforward as in one or 2 routes. I like this map because it makes it difficult to move out for terran mech but i dont like the fact that all the expansions can be defended by tanks or be tanked
think of python, a million routes

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