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Last update for (4)Rigel : 2009, 07, 29 19:39
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3719 (4)Rigel 128*128neobowman0.3betaground

The map has been rated 58 times and got a total of 15 points


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Comments:   GMCS (2 elements)

Too lazy to add doodads. Will do that sometime later. Mains and naturals have Python mineral formations. Not much else to add.
I'd definitely move the ramps away from the nats a bit and properly close the nat choke, else I can't see protoss being able to FE pvz.

I would reverse the placement of the nat geyser.

Um map is ok, but there's nothing really going on. Maybe try to make a more strategically oriented middle? (your ramp things look kind of out of place atm, maybe better to complement them with similar features?).
Damm, you reply fast. I'll get on it.
Extremely standard but it is very nice rotational symmetry.
Is it just me or have everybody been using Python mineral formation for main and expo?

Looks aight for the most part but bridge tile around crevices will make it look better IMO.
modified by coV
On Python, both the main and nat mine well. I find that blindly copying the formations without testing them is a bad idea though, because they don't always work well lol. On Sound Barrier at one point I copied Python's formations, and they mined HORRIBLY. I was so confused. I don't know if mining changes depending on tileset, or exact position in map (perhaps moving everything by 1 tile changes its mining even if the formation is exactly the same =/).

Destination though has great main formations, better than Python's imo.

Yes neobowman, I'm always on here.
Oh I see, and nebo you got a missing mineral at Reds
New Edit
-Added a bit of deco including adding bridge tiles in with the crevices
-Moved the ramp away from natural choke
-Fixed missing mineral at red's main
-Modified middle decoration
-Moved geysers at naturals
-Opened up third gas choke point

Couldn't find a way to add similar ramp things around the map without changing it around a lot.
Looks better now.
I like it but you should do something more interesting with the middle.
I wish I could think of something. My creativity has flatlined lately, hence why I'm having trouble with the random map competition which I have still yet to get started on T_T.

Uploaded a better pic and a new version if anyone's interested. Just some deco edits and moved start locations away from the ramps a bit.

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