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Last update for (4)Ready To Fight : 2011, 07, 21 16:25
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3603 (4)Ready To Fight 128*128Sinsago2.6betaground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

anoying center textures
Nice man i like it !
is the terrain really like the above pic in that you can hardly see? cuz if you put regular terrain u'd have a pretty solid map imo.

with the low line of sight terrain T pushes would be even slower, since they gotta get vessal or use floating ebay, which would be really bitchy in tvz unless you fantasy build in which u float ur rax neway

P of course would have to get obs, and mines would be deadly since u dont see them until its too late. Z have ovies, so i think Z would be least affected by the terrain esp since air is a usual thing, but then again ovies are pretty slow.
azalea with tiny mains
I can imagine stop lurkers+overlord tactics being great here.

Mutas will be able to stop marines really easily.
Well, I suppose that the line of sight really is like that. That's the whole point of the map.
hurr durr durr, let's make air units designed for scouting and bring it with my troops, problem solved.
i imagine both players too scared to move out until they have air, which means they prob have lotsa bases and units by the time they collide in 1 bigass battle
Nice find

Now make a more intersting map out of it.
This is just a boring flat linear standard layout with the only thing special about it being the reduced sight range in the midde. That is a solid test map for the effect, but that's it, I think.

Use more high terrain (maybe the corresponding high dirt doodad has the same effect(?), a less linear expo layout and - most important - not the whole map covered with those doodads but only certain strategically important patches of terrain.
Something like an unbugged and not totally annoying to move in Demon's Forest could be the result, I think.
Well, crimson, given the expo layout - why would you want to move out when you can easily turtle on 3 bases?^^
It is more like turtling on four bases with three gas o_O Just look how close the third gas ramps is to the minonly choke.
bump, instead of being used to cover the middle couldn't this tile be used to substitute sc2's tall grass terrain?
i doubt the authors of the maps you bump still follow this site (except for jungle) Lol
Yes, it can, I already did it, look at my maps (4)Pyrolysis, (2)Elephant in bottleneck, (4)Bizarre, (4)Melting Pot and (4)Zaprtnaâ Zona for examples.

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