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Travin | | | Well as you can see the starting loc's are very different, and it might just suck total ass.
but im hoping that you have any suggestions to the map, regarding pos imbalances and such. | panschk | | | Yeah, they are totally different. And imo it is very hard to see a map as a pure 2on2 map, because people will always try to analyse the 1on1-aspect too, which is of course horrible on this map.
Even for 2on2, the lack of a big battle zone somewhere makes me not like this map :[
If you sacrified an expo or two to have more open space somewhere, I would probably like it more. | Listoric | | | I added something in the GMCS, a tank could kill drones from down the position the Tank is placed.
But i like the concept, even for 1on1, just imagine how scouting would look like and how the game would evolve with different startpositions. I like it, hope someone will play this map, i'd love to see some replays! |
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