Starparty | | |
more ramps to the center platform imo |
Testbug | | |
adding a ramp in to the other side will make nat to nat ditance too short. but 3rd gass looks too far for zerg imo NastyMarine |
Rye | | |
The walled in expos are so Terran. They`re in siege range, and you can float a CC in early. This map looks insane. :D |
ProTosS4EveR | | |
200% sure its nasty, thewake picture has the same colours, don't do your usual brightness and colours. I made the same mistake with the seven tombs xP
There is also the same mountain style haha
testbgu has right, need a ramp in front of nat's ramp, it is so tight. modified by ProTosS4EveR |
LGI | | |
I love it. Really. If someone say it's like Katrina, then this is the better version of it. I just don't like the empty spaces that i point out in GMCS. And i am trying to think of a spot for a second ramp leading to center, but it's hard... |
SiaBBo | | |
I thought it is like Un Goro Crater. ;) |
ptar | | |
!!!! NASTY !!!! |
Crackling | | |
nasty, ez. |
MorroW | | |
doesnt feel like it is mirrored so good, purple and teal is more centered..
anyway very good map gj |
Nightmarjoo | | |
Unflankable middle, ugly stylized main decoration, and gameplay that won't work well for modern "standard" gamers? Noooooo, couldn't be a nastymarine map :)
I don't think the map can be "fixed" for more standard gameplay at all. The above comments about a 3rd gas being hard for z to get zvt, the hard-to-use/easy-to-turtle/camp middle can't be fixed without making the nat2nat distances short, but I don't think that'll be too much of a problem, or if it is, that the current problem with the middle is worse =/ Hm, also, the main2main distances are kind of long atm, and adding paths to the middle would shorten them, imo a good thing.
I don't care for the islands, they feel kind of turtley; they are nice as well as critical for the concept and gameplay, so I wish they were larger, and maybe with python-style rocks around the edges =/
Is blue's sl farther into the middle of the main than red's, by a square or so?
Looks like you messed up the map's rotational symmetry in the same way I did on my (4)faoi; if I knew how to fix it I'd have fixed it on my own map, so I can't help you there =/ imo definitely shouldn't be an issue though: "positional variety" :)
How's the tankability on those islands? |
NastyMarine | | |
Damnit that was too easy.
I'll fix some shit on this map. |
Crackling | | |
lulz everyone having highgroundmiddle now >:O |
MorroW | | |
crackling ur so positive ^^ |
Crackling | | |
yoar mom is AIDS positive >:O |
Crackling | | |
i'm drunk
yea ~ |
MorroW | | |
^^ drunk ppl r so happy and funny, i wish everyone was that |
Testbug | | |
lol, just look at red main size. |
cWn)iQ.Superi0r | | |
9 of 10 points |