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Last update for (2)The Butterfly Lovers : 2006, 12, 05 23:47
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
261 (2)The Butterfly Lovers 128*128Empyrean2.6final

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

The name got cut off. Gosu.

The story is basically of a two young people were were going to get married. When their marriage was disapproved by the girls father, they committed suicide and were reincarnated as butterflies so they could live together forever.

It's a famous Chinese song.
I've followed the thread ;) doing the entire map in tile only? are you insane!? :)
The name got cut off, because the last 7 characters of the filename (last 3 of the name+ .scx/.scm) are not considered part of the name of the map. All melee maps should be named (x)Name(n), this way it is the same for all, which makes it easier when creating a game.

Well your map is already well known. So beautiful;) Unfortunatly it is 192*128, it is such a pity, because maps these size are not very fun to play. If there is any way to transform the general concept to 128*128, It would be great.
No, this is a version I made specially for random-ungrateful-tl.netter. It's almost identical to the original, which was placed square by square. The only differences you'll see are in sub-tile, because I'm too lazy to click over and over to make them all isometric.

This is completely isometric, not 1 square by 1 square. It's been made that way so you can modify it easier if you want to.
But i dont wanna modify this :P Can think of a single way of making it better. Even if i could "balance it up better" it still would only be worse since you posted this months ago and it is released the way it is. Its like rearanging the center on LT for no reason :P
what a gay story
all stories involving girls looks gay to gay guys.

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