| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Destruction2007 : 2007, 06, 13 16:52
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 2274 | (2)Destruction2007 | 96*128 | ByulRo | 2.4 | beta | | The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
flothefreak | | | looks cool. nice concepts, expansion layout is interesting. ZvT is probably a problem, though.
what are mineral blockade values (i think you missed editing one on top mainbase)? what's famat btw? | ByulRo | | | 1//all blockade values are 32.
mainbase's big mineral is imagebug.
map file have not problem
FAMAT is Amateur map team.
That mean is For amateur map architect team.
| Nightmarjoo | | | I really like this map, I don't see anything that might hurt gameplay, looks good.
Oh, what is the purpose of the gas being so far from the minerals in the side expo?
flo Salazar is a famat mapper, you haven't seen his logos? | Nightmarjoo | | | obs version please :) | ptar | | | FAMAT = For amateur map architect team. It's a korean mapping organisation since 2005. I'm visiting there homepage every day. They got some damn good maps.
There are also some maps from Salazar, but they aren't that good.
PS: pls add obs version. modified by ptar | Nightmarjoo | | | I already asked for obs, and byulro already explained what famat is^^ | flothefreak | | | famat means FOR AMATEUR MAP ARCHITECT TEAM.
oh @author: please make an observer version. | Nightmarjoo | | | lol flo^^ | ptar | | | While i was writing the comment, they appeared. ^^ I need some time to do so. |
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