Lancet | | |
Balance? Schmalance! This is a Zerg vs Zerg map (and damn proud of it!), Protoss and Terran play at your own risk. Nice defendable nat (with a creep colony near the choke), 4 plateaus with command centers in case infested Terrans tickle your fancy and swarms galore, enjoy! |
Alumni | | |
oOoOOh i'm a zerg player myself! gg lol |
Crimson)S(hadow | | |
i have same thoughts on this map as SBH; bats are strong till lurks |
flothefreak | | |
but they arent against some sunks at the natural |
lancet | | |
Hey Alumni, how about taking the map "for a ride" with a fellow Zerg player and posting the replay here? |
Nightmarjoo | | |
how about decorating the map? Since you don't have to worry much about terran, the ground doens't have be buildable everywhere =/
Weird map/concept =/ I will play zvz with anyone who wants to, but my zvz isn't very good, I usually tvz instead. |
Lancet | | |
"how about decorating the map?"
Damn, I hate it when you say that! I thoughtI had decorated the map enough. I take it you mean adding some crushed rock and lava terrain, which I can do. I am concerned about placing more doodads and blocking unit movement. |
Lancet | | |
Added some more decor. Note, I forgot to aknowledge that I got the idea to begin this trilogy of maps from the map "Defection v.Beta" by Novos. The second map of this trilogy is "Mind Games" (map ID: 2182). |
Lancet | | |
OK, added some final decor and I want to mention here that the third map of this trilogy is "High Noon on Korhal" (map ID 2192). |