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Last update for (4)Divine Star 1.1 : 2006, 11, 29 22:09
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1824 (4)Divine Star 1.1 128*128MillenniumArmy0.9beta

The map has been rated 58 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Hello everyone, it's been like 5 months since I was last active on this site.

So now I'm back into melee map making. I've uploaded three maps I recently made so tell me what you think. It's been a while since I've made a map so I might be rusty when it comes to the basics so help me out. Thanks!
Welcome back :)

This wan is pretty well done whit standart concept of gameplay, which is also really good, because atm BWMN is in a big lack of those maps whit such quallity. Nice work here. You got a 9,5 from me :)
woa super! :)
somehow very appealing and fresh, while it remains on standard techniques.

a pity that i discovered when making temple-based maps, that it has many dropspots like raised jungle. thus needed to be filled with critters etc.
Critters, wouldn't do the trick. They can be killed. I think sprites are the best solution.
critters can be made invincible, and they keep it in melee not just in ums. i discovered it when i had the same issue with my map (4)immortals
Wow, now thats new for me, thx ;)
Yea about the temple dropspots...

I haven't tried it ingame yet, but seeing how the spaces are so tight and compact, wouldn't it be a pain to aim your transport/dropship/overlord directly on top of those small holes?

But I think critters would be a nice idea too, whether they be invincible or not. Seriously, if you have enough air units and are going to kill those critters, why not just go for the player's base? Just my opinion.
wow great map A++
hmm looks good, but the unbuildable large middle could hurt terran, even with the islands able to be landed on. imo maybe adding 4 more small temple blocks to the middle could tighten it enough.
Alright, so I've updated this map now.

All I did was fill in the temple holes with critters, and I put in a few small temple blocks in the middle.
looks very good, no complaints other than that the passage to the nat is very long and can get tough if a Terran player sets up tanks on the raised jungle. maybe it just looks tight but i think 1 or 2 games of a TvP could either prove to be hard or not as bad as i claim.. other than that, i really like it, good execution. welcome back
well raised jungle is on the same level as base ground plus its just a little out of the way. i dont think t could allow himself to set tanks everywhere
12 O clock main mines really lame. The peon havesting from the top left mineral of that main takes a stupidly long trip. Test your minerals =P
Does it REALLY mine lame, or is it only that long travel? The distance does not mean much to a peon, as you can see in the gas issue.
Better check out in a mirror match - without any harrass, just build up and tech with the exacly same bo and as few flaws as possible, who is faster and if it's significant. Or let computers do it for you ;)

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