Back to mainpage Map Success! 04/24/2013 01:30 AM Posted by:CrystalDrag Guess What? Maps being used in minor leagues! (Which is all of the current BW leagues... kinda. :D)
D Ranks Teamleague Season 4
*Resonance II
C Ranks Teamleague Season
*Resonance II
Vietnam Starcraft Tournament
*Still Alive
Swedish Brood War Initiative Summer Tournament
C-Ranks Team League Season 2
*Oxide 1.03
SBWI Team League Season 1
*Overwatch 1.02
*Oxide 1.03 Hearthstone BetaKey tour
*Oxide 1.03
traceurling Wouldn't a forum post be more appropriate so you can update as new leagues come? Don't forget BWMN1 and 2 :P NegativeZero Overwatch is being used in the Swedish Brood War Initiative Summer Tournament: by NegativeZero neobowman Sweet
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