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Last update for (2)FataL_Combat_ : 2019, 12, 20 18:39
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
5149 (2)FataL_Combat_ 128*96Adelbert2.5betaground

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

The basic concept is alright, but I feel like the layout is not optimal and maybe there should also be a way to open up a new passage later on (like on Multiverse).

Problem that I see here is that once the Assimilator Gate is closed off players can comfortably sit on three gas behind one easily defendable uphill choke and the whole passage will be reduced to a big drop cliff above the third (great for tanks) and potentially a unit trap, if players don't work around the pathing issues carefully.

While the emphasis on the mid line is good for late game and to prevent easy even map splits, this layout seems too restrictive in terms of late game objectives. Apart from getting that island base it's really all gonna be about controlling the centre medium ground which is pretty much a pre-requisite to holding that 12 o'clock base and allows you to easily attack in all directions.

the ramps are buggy (have a look at terrain levels) and I don't like the doodad spam clutter in the northern half that leaves a lot of weird drop holes.
modified by Freakling
Thank you for your comment.

Based on that comment, I modified this map.

But that map is not enough for me to think.

I'll upload the map here a few days later,

I'm not good enough to accommodate all your

opinions. T.T

The 128 X 96 is a narrow map for all my thoughts.

In some cases, I will discard this map and create

a new one.

I love this map! Such a shame that it didn't make it into ASL.

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