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Last update for (4)Circuit Breakers1.1 : 2018, 10, 16 11:20
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4949 (4)Circuit Breakers1.1 128*128Earthattack, modified by Freakling2.2leagueground

The map has been rated 25 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

List of updates

  • Completely redid all the reversed ramps (using my own space ramps) to fix lots of terrain level bugs and adjust their width and angle to that of normal High Platform ramps.
  • Fixed the bugged geyser in the top right main (turned out a single cliff tile swap sufficed)
  • Cleaned up the rather messy terrain editing around the 3/9 o'clock expansions

  • Filled in a lots of potential drop holes around the map
  • Cleaned up some other messy terrain editing

Things I haven't changed:

  • I kept all the low ground ramps as they are. I'd consider the kind of old-schoolish lack of reverse ramps a nice touch and the map accounts for it with a layout that does not really require reverse ramps to maintain good balance.
  • The top right natural geyser still mines very slowly. Not much that can be done about that, as it's just a bad geyser position.
  • Looks as dull as ever. I am not going to start decorating other people's maps...
  • I kept main ramp positions between top and bottom mains asymmetrical because changing it would have meant to make the gap between resource depot and ramp tighter for the bottom positions, which I think would be more of an issue. The original ramps were certainly put in their respective positions for exactly this reason.
  • Aside from the top right main geyser, no resources where changed, mostly because it was not necessary: Luckily all the relevant path-finding regions turned out either the same or even cleaner than before, so if there are any bugs with worker pathing they ought to have been there before.
    That being said, some of the formations are really asymmetrical and there is certainly room for improvement (particularly with Comsat issues). So this might be something to look into for future updates.

modified by Freakling
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little update, using my new and improved space ramps.
It'd be nice if Blizzard added this to the ladder pool in place of the original (if only for the ramps) but I doubt that'll happen.
I'd rather just send it to afreeca so they can use it in their Starleagues, that's more likely to happen and would basically give Blizzard the idea...

Maaaaaaaan, so much stuff to do. And this is still just work in progress @_@
modified by Freakling
Seems like ASL listens to LatiAs, might be better to contact him. I know he had a blog on naver maybe his contact info is there :/
modified by JungleTerrain
Double comment
modified by JungleTerrain
needs a buildable center so cheeses are possible. would change whole gameplay dynamic for the better.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I think the center is buildable?
modified by jamssi

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