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Last update for (3)Flight P : 2015, 10, 26 21:04
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4738 (3)Flight P 128*128Freakling2.1betaisland

The map has been rated 26 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

could this have been a 2v2v2 previously?
Is that beacon a compass for overlords to know the opponents spawn?

leik it
No this is intended as a 1v1 map from the start, but it's obviously hypersymmetrical...
Yes, beacons are for air scouts like overlords or floating rax to find the right base quickly.

Neat little detail: This map uses exclusively fast gas positions at all expos.
I miss broodwar :(
Very nice map btw
Update (v.1.02)

- added those 3rd spawn infestable CCs from Urban Warfare Tactics, because I think it fits in really well with this map (gives another little edge to Zerg)...
Excelent! Whats the cc 4?
Zerg can infest it...
But what it do? whats it 4?
You can start heavy bombing runs on your enemy?!
You know, Infested Terrans, little fellas, make neat little fireworks, blow stuff up...

EDIT: Okay, for a more extensive and serious explanation how exactly this works (which is probably what you really wanted to know):

Detailed how to do:
- enable debug/unit collision sizes.
- place CC on all SLs.
- disable buildings snap to tile option.
- place another CC next to each Starting locations, so that the collision boxes of the CCs overlap by exactly one pixel on any side.
- place neutral unit sprite CC exactly on top of the second CC.
- delete all CCs (except for the unit sprite ones)

This is exactly the amount of overlap needed to ensure all of the following properties:
- If a player spawns at that SL, the CC will be removed at game start (so in effect, only the one free spawn will have an infestable CC in-game).
- The removal of the CC will not cause any building stack bug (the bug where one can build on top of one's town hall)
- the CC does not block the building of a town hall (not even a CC, despite the collision box overlap!) at that spawn.
modified by Freakling

I actually really like this one, might use it for some inspired sc2 map, Il share it if I do oc!

modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
Update: Version 1.03

- changed the low ground section (added Xel'Naga-blocked breaches)

This version is used in the 8-player Random vs Random invitational.
oo wow wasnt expecting that. A monumental change for the gameplay.
"Monumental" is probably overstating it, but I am a bit afraid that terran mech could become too strong with this. But Artanis prefered this version over the original. I am looking forward to the tourney to find out :D
If there is a youtube link or twitch or something do share it, so we can see it in action :D
did u consider the option of mineral walls?
I don't think any kind of mineral wall would have been practical here.

I am pretty sure there will be VODs available, but the tourney hasn't been run yet, so there is nothing to be seen yet.
modified by Freakling
Updated obs version to fix a bug with the forces settings where players would start out as allied.

--Djem5 vs Eonzerg(1on1, 1.16)
--LancerX vs Marwin(1on1, 1.16)
--TrutaCz vs Eonzerg(1on1, 1.16)

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