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Last update for (2)Dogma : 2008, 03, 08 13:55
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2850 (2)Dogma 128*96LostTampon2.4betaisland

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (4 elements)

We need more island maps... :P
zerg can go 12hatch fe in nat to get the gas, without killing the colony, maybe u should place a non "creep-expanding" zerg neutral building next to the colony so he cant take gas that early without killing the colony.

after all neither protoss or terran can take that gas before killing the colony.

i like the decoration and i tbh dont know anything about balancing on island maps ^^

id like all ramps to be alittle bigger
colony sucks..
what's with all these rediculously z favouring island maps lol
That's because z always cries about island maps just like p always cries about z>p on non-island maps.
Zerg can build a hatch in the in-main gas expo but toss and terran are going to have to kill the creep colony and wait till the creep retracts enough to build a nexus or CC. I am just wondering whether it is too much of an advantage for zerg.
I really like the concept and layout. Its a solid LostTampon map :)

Go to GMCS for what I'd change.
Interesting design,I hope it's not too cramped.The creep is useful only to slow a bit the fe,but so long u have a island map,its preety useless.I think as melee,the map would be much more interesting
seems too easy for zerg. expand double gas and mass mutas while continuing to expand. P/T will be behind from the beginning
Just do it like on arcanoid. 14CC and then use 2SCVs to kill the Colony. If you do it early enough the creep will be gone when the CC is finished.
I, too, was going to mention that CCs can float... So we only have a notable disadvantage for protoss here.
add some neutral units for protoss to mind control? lol
the ramps arent all the same size... and since all the map is pretty much based on those ramps (to my eyes) i think it could be worth it just changing the "normal ramps" to the cool ones :p lol

real nice otherwise :)
Protoss are very screwed here. Ever try to mass land several groups of infantry on an island? That's a lot of fragile little shuttles. Hallucination will be your best friend unless the fighting goes on over the expo islands.
thx for comments.

updated map (hopefully) accordingly:

- largened corner expos and added ramp
- moved side expos a bit and added gas
- widened ramps at sideexpos
- replaced creep colonies with mines
- removed center highground
modified by LostTampon

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