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Last update for (0)Ash Ramp : 2012, 04, 02 00:28
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1622 (0)Ash Ramp 128*128Antares2.4experimental

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

password: ramp

so here is the inverted ash ramp, maybe a bit gay, but it is beta now

as in ash world there is little amount of unapproachable tiles on the cliff so wallability depends on cliff placement, in my map it works

the mappassword is *ramp* without the stars of course :)

so you are free to edit it if you have a new version
modified by spinesheath
looks good to me, now twighlight is missing right here and we all done =D
I am think I could make a twilight ramp in the same stlye as the ice ramp, with crushed rock at the bottom...
But keeping the design of the normal ramps on Ice/Twilight is pretty much impossible...
Take a look at my verison

modified by SynDrome
I don't see much of a difference, both are ugly :p Well they are ugly because it's ashworld...

Could you simply add yours to the map and upload the new one, so that I can see which one has the better pathfinding and size?
I added some tiles, they are hard to notice bcuz its very dark, but it looks somewhat better than Antares' verison imo, if he wants I can upload it here.
download the map, add your version, and upload/edit it. Password is "ramp". More ramps won't hurt.
they look pretty good, but are the tiles right? meaning the transition from the highest point, to the lowest point. They have different % hit properties (i think)
There only are 3 height levels available in the SC engine. And on Ashworld, only 2 of them are actually used (unless some Blizz guy made some mistakes). A ramp usually consists mostly of tiles of the higher terrain, only the "foot" is made of lower terrain.

Your hit quote is directly linked to the difference in height levels of the fighting units, so there can't be differnt percentages on a ramp ;)

I am not that sure, but I believe that the height level applies to minitiles (1 tile is made of 16 minitiles, the small squares you see in SCMD2 when placing units), not only to whole tiles. So if it is so, the foot of a standard ramp probably has a much smoother border line between higher and lower ground level; something that we can't invert at all.

Btw, a little mistake by Blizzard I spotted once:
The high outpost ramps on ice terrain have a spot that is lowground. so if you place a unit there it gives you an effect of being in a tiny hole, it looks like your unit was blinded :D
modified by spinesheath
You used some unwalkable terrain in this ramp Antares.
Pic and map downloard give me a 404. Does someone have the map?
Capn Awesom
I had this version on my harddrive, im not sure if its the original, but i think i got it from the original. I also fixed a tile that was lowground near the top of each invert ramp.
Long Time no see every1! I still don't know how to make fat ramps, inverted ramps and fat bridges can some1 post a topic about this?
You can just copy them. We have maps here, so you can just copy them. Search ramps.

And i think there is in articles section how to make big bridges.
omfg when i got scm draft 2 and the first thing i done where big ramps and big bridges... are you so stupid that you can't make them your self ?
stfu lastcurse?

You make so shitty maps and just copy everything.
modified by SiaBBo
:D lastcurse gogo play ur ums
can someon make wide ramps for ash? i cant make the wide ones facing diagnally down.
Just wondering, but how do we make our own ramps? I know that we can just download these ramps and copy paste them, but if I wanted to make my own ramp is there a guid somewhere?
Ask Freakling. He ramp maniac.
All you need really need is:

- the indexed tile palette (and a solid understanding of tile properties: terrain level, walkability, buildability and cover provision, when in doubt make a test map to test specific tiles that you want to use)
- take enough time to design something that looks visually good and ideally to makie sure it has no bucks (-> see tile properties, make a test map with your finished ramp to debug it...)

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