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Last update for (2)Purge_v1.2 : 2006, 07, 25 00:14
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1392 (2)Purge_v1.2 128*96VomiT1.2final

The map has been rated 56 times and got a total of 65 points

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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

I dont know, although it uses custom ramps and stuff, this map has an oldschool flair to me. The expo layout could be much better though, almost all of them are very close to each other, making defensive playing style a good choice, which is a bad thing imo:)

In TvZ, I think zerg should have some problems.
yeah well, terran are always assholes - in any matchup :D any suggestions to make it more balanced?
less minerals at every expo, that way terran will have to be more aggressive in expos, right now there are SO MUCH resources its crazy
the problem wit this layout is that there isnt any 'hidden' expos so to speak that Zerg can expo to safely.. all of the expos are in reach by a Terran very easily which will make it hard for Z. Part of the problem is due to the insane space the nat and the main bases take up :

other than that i do like the layout but its just not sound for Z in zvt due to the insane amount of space that the nat utilizes imo
I removed 3 mineral patches from the expo below the ramp, and 2 from the min only. Hopefull this will help balance things out. Also, later on im going to remove the water behind the nat, and "slide" the chunk of land over to the new location, we'll see how this works out.
Quick update. Please, only look at the top half of the map, I haven't fixed the rest yet.
i would say dramatical update, but lets see the bottom half ;)
IMO the earlier version was WAY better ;/
make the bottom corner expos have a ramp.. it'll make this map better.. im pretty sure ur still updating it so ill wait until u finish it before i say suttin like: "its too plain". lol
It's very open, once the issues favouring terran are taken care of, it will be vedry dificult for terran, t usually needs tight spaces, this map has almost exclusively open terrain; if z gets through early game (hard with the nat being so open, hard to defend), it will pwn since it will be so easy to flank and whatnot because of the openness. p will pwn t too because of this, t does not have many places to set up camp kinda thing. The mineral onlys look hard to defend with all races, no chokepoints at all, its surrounded by open terrain on all sides except for its back, which is horribly cliffable.
i think terran could handle the problems, it will be harder, but terran is favored in most of the maps, and matchups..
wow, really impressed me, so open.. thats cool :)
This map has undergone some great improvements since I last saw it. I still dont like the huge ramp leading to the nats, though. The cliff that can snipe to expos at once is a very cool idea. The bottom-middle expo looks way too hard to defend. Other than that, the map is nicely decorated, seems balanced enough to me. And idk what nightmarjoo is complaining about; all this variation in highground and lowground makes me think terran have some additional advantage to balance out the big middle.
i like it .. its lookin good.

one more suggestion:

widen those ramps in the corners
what do you think, is this map complete?
i think, imo, u should extend those water pathes in the middle a bit more up so the middle isnt so huge. Right now in P and Z would have a flanking frenzy on T :P.

other than that, its done imo
modified by NastyMarine
thanks nastymarine for all your help, i feel like you made this map more than i did
It is an extremely straight forward map with not too many strategical possibilites. its done very nicely and would be fun to play, but IMO its way too lame.
Looks nice, but i would make shorter those large ramps near the first natural.
i compressed the ramp a little bit, but i still want it to be fairly open
sorry, wanted a different name.
you need some sort of obstruction in front of the nat. it's realllllllly wide as it is, and yeah, zvt will be tough
shortened the ramp more, still too big?

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